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NHBPM Day Eleven: My Favourite Thing….

Another day, and that means a brand new post as part of the WEGO Health ‘National Health Blog Post Month’.  Today, is a diversion from discussing life with a chronic illness and health, as the prompt that I have chosen (as we get a choice between 2 prompts) asks us to discuss our favourite thing that is not health related nut likely improves our life.

For me, my favourite thing, and one which improves my life is my brand new iMac.  It really has become the centre of my universe, and one which I spend the majority of my time!  Although, admittedly many of the reasons are health-related!!  😉

I am sure those of you reading this and who are too suffering from a chronic illness or disability will ne able to relate – when one is sick, the computer, whatever the make and model, becomes a real lifeline.  I know there are a lot of people, many of those who are completely healthy that also claim that their computer is their ‘lifeline’, but in my opinion it is more true for us who are crippled by illness, often we are unable to go out and instead stuck indoors, often alone and without company.

In this instance, my computer has really become the centre of my social life!  Not being able to go out, particularly alone, has meant that through my computer and the internet, on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, as well as Skype I am able to keep in touch with friends and family.  The computer and internet, also allows me to write this blog, as well as finding any pieces of information regarding my condition – any tidbits of information that I can gather to not only to learn everything there is to know (which isn’t a lot!! – pitfalls of living with a rare condition) but to also find anyways that I can help myself to get stronger, or any treatments that may help control the symptoms that I experience.

And then there are the opportunities to connect with others with similar difficulties that I face, the opportunity to join and explore different support groups; to connect with others, whom although might not have the exact condition as myself, but know exactly the difficulties I face, and can relate.  This is support really is invaluable source, as it enables you to talk to others who are going through similar experiences whom you can vent to, from others who understand and can give you great advice when you really need it.

Finally, as I am not able to go out that much, or if I do, am often unable to spend a lot of time out, so the computer and my internet connection allow me to browse all my favourite stores and brands.  If I need something, or need some new clothes, I can shop in the comfort of my own hom; without the worry of the possibility that my legs may give way, or struggling with the dizziness.  I don;t have to carry heavy bags around, that cause the discomfort in my arms; I can safely buy what I need (or want!) and can have it sent directly to my home.  This is one aspect where my computer really makes my life much easier!

Not only my iMac is great for going on the Internet and connecting with others, but on those bad days; the ones where I am stuck in bed as my legs are so weak that I can hardly stand, the computer can transform itself into an entertainment centre!! Recently, I purchased software for my iMac; software which has the ability to turn on my computer into a TV!!  Thanks to a USB dongle, I am able to receive Freeview channels, and also have the ability to record programmes that I wish to watch.  And there is good all iTunes!!  I have quite a few series saved onto the hardrive that I have downloaded direct iTunes – so I also have the option to watch one of these when I am stuck in my bed.  Of course, there is always the DVD player; to play the endless number of films and television boxsets that I own.  All these are great for keeping me entertained whilst unwell; often feel that when I watch these I have company and don’t feel so alone.

So, these are the reasons for my iMac being my favourite thing that I own and although not health-related makes my life easier and probably happier for it!

What is the one item that you own, which is your favourite, and why?  Would love to hear you stories…

  • Barbara

    I have got a love-hate relationship with my laptop, I love it because it gives me the opportunity to contact the world outside on bad days. On good days, however, when I could go out but have nowhere to go in our dull little place, I hate having to spend my time on the laptop instead of meeting people in real life. Which is not the laptop’s fault, of course 😉

    November 11, 2012 at 10:37 am Reply

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