


On Sunday morning, I received a nomination for an award. And today, Thursday, I received another comment on my recent blog post letting me know I had received another nomination! The award is titled the Disability Blogger Award which recognises and acknowledges those bloggers whose niche is disability, chronic illness, mental illness or special needs.

Fellow blogger, Georgina from the Chronillicles blog had the idea for the award. She decided that disability and chronic illness deserved more recognition for their efforts and decided to create the said award.

The Disability Blogger Award Rules

The Disability Blogger Award Rules

  • Thank your nominator
  • Recognise Georgina from Chronillicles as the creator of this award and link her URL – https://www.chronillicles.com
  • Use the Disability Blogger Award logo somewhere in your post
  • Copy these rules onto your post
  • Answer your nominator’s questions
  • Write 5-15 of your own questions (they don’t need to be illness related)
  • Nominate 5-15 other disability, chronic illness, mental illness, or special needs bloggers
  • Comment on each of your nominees’ latest posts to tell them they have been nominated

Firstly I would like to thank the lovely Liz and Nikki who have kindly nominated me for this award. I am honoured and extremely flattered to be recognised amongst so many other wonderful writers.

Liz, blogs at the brilliant Despite Pain which offers readers many useful and insightful tips on how to forge a life despite pain. The blog also radiates hope and positivity that a happy and content life can still be found outside of chronic pain.

Nikki, from Brainless Blogger, is one of my favourite blogs to read. Nikki shares life with chronic illness and chronic pain in such a beautiful and eloquent, and despite the writing being deeply raw and personal, it’s profoundly relatable.

Thank you both.

Please do visit their blogs to enjoy their amazing writing and follow them.

Liz’s questions and my answers:

1. If you didn’t have a health condition, but you still wanted to blog, what would be your niche?

Books! Definitely books; sharing what I have been reading and insights into my favourite reads. Other than writing, especially, my work on this blog, books are my other passion. I have loved reading since childhood and can usually be found with a book in my hand. And my Kindle is one of my essential items on my packing list for holidays!

2. What is your favourite season and why?

Due to the symptoms associated with the neurological disorder I live, with, I often find that the hot and cold weather can exacerbate my symptoms. So, Winter and Summer can be problematic seasons for me, with flares becoming routine during the months these seasons reside. So, I would day Spring has become my favourite season – with it being not too cold and reasonably warm without the heat being unbearable. I also love all the colour and beauty that can be found during the Spring months, especially in nature. I do enjoy trips to the garden centre to peruse the beautiful and colourful flowers. And also, I am able to sit outside, even just in the garden, to get some welcome fresh air instead of being cooped inside the same four walls.

3. If you could time travel, which time would you travel to?

History was one of my favourite subjects when I was at school, and although I found it incredibly fascinating to learn about the periods in history we studied, the events and how people lived was usually unpleasant and gruesome. Place and events that I would not want to experience. Instead, I think it would be intriguing to visit the 60s or 70s when my parents were growing up and to meet and get to know my grandparents, especially those I lost before I ever really got to know them. It would also be interesting to know what my Mum and Dad were like before they became parents!

4. Healthy salad or chocolate brownie?

Although I enjoy eating healthily, allowing some semblance of control whereas our lives are usually controlled by our illnesses, I would have to choose the chocolate brownie! I am a bit of a chocoholic!

5. What’s the last book you read?

I just finished the incredibly moving ‘If Only You Were Here’ by Alice Peterson. It was a brilliant and captivating book, and a must if you enjoy an emotional read like me!

6. If you ruled your country, what would be your first new law?

What a brilliant question! I hate unkindness or bullying so I would create a ‘Random Act of Kindness’ Law to encourage people to be kind and help each other, even if it’s just in small, inconsequential ways. There are many horrible acts of violence in the world, so it would be lovely to see more good instead.

7. What is your biggest pet peeve and why?

People using disabled bays when they don’t have a blue badge! It is always annoying when I am out with my carer and am unable to stop somewhere I need to because there a lack of a suitable parking space, especially on days where my mobility is worse.

8. What’s the favourite blog post you’ve written?

Tough question as I didn’t realise how many I’ve written! One which I am proud of, and one which I loved writing was ‘Embracing The Warrior Inside.’ It’s a blog post that I can still look back and read, especially on days where I’m feeling low, and it reminds me of everything I have overcome and how strong I am. I hope everyone enjoys it as I had when I write it!

Nikki’s questions and my answers:

1. What is your favourite pain or illness distraction and why?

Reading; it’s one of my favourite past time’s anyway, but when I am in pain or overwhelmed by the other symptoms that I experience, I love how it can transport me into another world, or even allowing me to become someone else for a short time.

2. Do you have a creative outlet?

I have this blog obviously but other than that no. I did use to love making cards but found it to be very expensive and became very difficult due to trembling in my hands. Still, I do love writing though and keeping up with social media keeps me occupied.

3. What is your favourite book and tell me why

I have so many! My all-time favourite and one which I read, or at least try to is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. It’s a classic, one which I have loved since I was a young girl. I don’t have any sisters myself, and loved the relationship between the four sisters; it’s a really heart-warming story.

4. When you are in a mental funk what do you do?

I look at my positivity board, filled with photographs of happy memories, as well as inspiring and uplifting quotes. Or if I am feeling a lack of confidence, I take a look in my jar of joy and remind myself of everything I have achieved despite chronic illness and the symptoms with which I live.

5. When was your last vacation and how was it?

My last holiday was last June, a cruise around Norway and Iceland, and a brief stop in Dublin! Cruising can be difficult, especially with a balance disorder and even more so when the seas are rough, but again it was a reminder of my resilience and strength in spite of the neurological disorder with which I live every day. And despite the many difficulties, I still am looking forward to future adventures.

My Nominees

The most difficult part is choosing nominees, especially as there are so many wonderful bloggers within the disability and chronic illness community. Even more so, when many of my favourite bloggers have already deservedly been nominated by other people. Many of the nominees are other bloggers who

Narrowing it to only 10 bloggers was incredibly difficult so I am sorry for anyone I have missed, as I think you are all amazing!

My 10 Nominees:

Make sure that you take a look at their incredible and inspiring blogs and look them up on their social media pages.

My questions for my nominees:

  1. If you had to write about something other than disability/chronic illness/mental illness or special needs, what would it be and why?
  2. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
  3. What is the biggest thing you’ve learned about yourself since becoming disabled or chronically ill?
  4. What is your favourite comfort food?
  5. Name a literary character you can relate. What is it about this character that you can relate?
  6. If you had to recommend one place to visit near to where you live, what would it be and why?
  7. What is your favourite TV show to binge-watch when you are having a bad day?
  8. What is the one blog post you are most proud of and why?
  9. If you could recommend one blogger or blog to read, which would it be and why?
  10. If you were suddenly only able to use one social media site/app which would you choose and why?

Your blogs and the work you do is brilliant, but I know what continued health struggles can get in the way of blogging, so there are no time constraints with replying to the nomination. Take your time and congratulations to all!

And thanks again to Liz and Nikki for your nomination!

In a recent post, I wrote about my passion for television shows. And the distraction they provide from the persistent chronic pain ravaging throughout my legs.  In the post, I also shared my favourite box sets to watch when incapacitated by chronic pain. Or the many other symptoms that accompany life with a neurological condition. There is magic in watching television shows, but magic can also be found in books.

Books and Reading; My First and Lasting Passion

Yes, television and films are one of my primary passions. However, it is not my only passion.  My first love and one that has followed me throughout my life since childhood is reading.  Books are something that I have always collected, amassing goodness knows how many over the years. Books can be found all over my home, especially in my bedroom! Many I end up donating to charity shops or passing them along to those I know would love it as much as I did. But still, I somehow amass so many books!

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The problem of being a massive bookworm!

I hate becoming lost, especially in unfamiliar places.  But when perusing the shelves of bookshops often time seems to slip away from me, not noticing if lost or lose sight of my companion.

As a young child as much as my Mum tried to engage me in other activities such as colouring or puzzles, I quickly became bored, once again turning to the safety and magic that books provided.  Many of my photographs are of me clutching a book, losing myself in the words and pictures on the page.  As we have now established my condition whether genetic or due to another organic cause, was from birth, I wonder if I retreated into books as a way of dealing with symptoms such as pain that I could not yet verbalise. 

‘Reading Gives Us Somewhere to Go When We Have to Stay Where We Are’

Still, I am continuing to use books to distract myself from the effects of chronic illness.  Recently I came across a quote, ‘Reading gives us somewhere to go when we have to stay where we are.’ A quote that is incredibly apt for someone living with a chronic illness.

The Magic of Books When In Pain and Sick

There are many times in which I am incapacitated by one or more of the many symptoms that I live with day in and day out.  Weak legs that force me to lie on my bed are within the same four walls that I am compelled to spend most of my time. Days like these, I cannot go anywhere or do anything, so I find solace in the written word.

Escapism. A place where I can forget my predicament and everything that chronic illness has given and taken away from me.  Escapism from the vast number of symptoms that are plaguing me.  But books can also take you places.  

"Books allows me escapism. A place where I can forget my predicament and everything that chronic illness has given and taken away from me.  And escapism from the vast number of symptoms that are plaguing me." Click To Tweet

Books are like a unique magic carpet ride, transporting you to faraway places; locations, you’ve always wanted to go and experience but which current circumstances prevent you from doing so.   For instance, Prague has been on my ‘bucket list’ of places that I would love to visit someday.  However, as I’m unable to fly due or cope with large airports, illness has prevented me from ticking it off my list.

Books as a Passport From The Realities of Life, and Creating a Wanderlust for Travel and Adventure

Last year, I read the beautiful ‘A Year and a Day’ from author Isabelle Broom in which a large chunk of the story takes place in this very city.  Isabelle writes, and the exquisite level of detail with which she describes Prague and its unique landmarks made me feel that I had been there and experienced the city for myself.   OK, so it may not be like experiencing travelling firsthand, but when circumstances prevent you from being able to move from where you are, books are the next best thing.  In fact, all of Broom’s books give you major wanderlust as each novel has taken place in different, exotic locations, and each place beautifully and meticulously described, making you want to grab your passport and book flights immediately. 

 And it’s not only places that exist now that books allow you to visit; historical fiction allows you to visit and experience places that existed many years ago (or at least what it was like from the author’s perspective). But very often, and for me anyway I want to be uplifted.  A story to remind me of the beauty and wonder of the world; to comfort, and reassure myself that there is still hope and much to be grateful for despite chronic pain.

Reading can give you real wanderlust!

Books Are An Escape From a World of Sickness

In books, we can be whoever we want to be.  We don’t have to sick, confined to bed and in constant pain.  We can be the hero, the warrior, the woman who eventually finds love and her happily ever after.  Getting lost in these worlds, we no longer feel the pain slowly dragging us down into a dark abyss.  We no longer have to fight against our bodies.  These books on my bedside table allow me to experience a snapshot of normality; one in which I am independent and confident.  No longer a burden on others.

"In books, we can be whoever we want to be.  We don't have to sick, confined to bed and in constant pain.  We can be the hero, the warrior, the woman who eventually finds love and her happily ever after." Click To Tweet "In books we no longer have to fight against our bodies.  These books on my bedside table allow me to experience a snapshot of normality; one in which I am independent and confident.  No longer a burden on others." Click To Tweet

Books are a magical portal allowing us to escape from our lives.  Taking us away from this world of sickness – time spent in bed, mobility aids, hospital appointments, and medications.  Books can allow us to find out who we wish we could be.  For many, reading is merely a hobby, a way of filling time, or for light entertainment.  But for those of us confined to bed, incapacitated by pain or from numerous other symptoms from chronic illness, there are magic and power in those printed words.

"For many, reading is merely a hobby. But for those of us confined to bed, incapacitated by pain or from numerous other symptoms from chronic illness, there are magic and power in those printed words." Click To Tweet

Does anyone else love to read? What books do you enjoy; are there any that provide comfort and sanctuary away from life with chronic illness?

And let me know of any great book recommendations that you have.

Thank you so much to Cheyanne, a lovely young woman who blogs at Hospital Princess in which she shares her personal journey living with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and its other comorbid conditions including dysautonomia and gastroparesis for tagging and nominating me.

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

It is a nomination given to bloggers by bloggers.  If someone nominates you, it means you’re one of 11 people whom they find inspiring and brings sunshine into the lives of your readers.  If you decide to continue to tradition, then follow these simple rules!

Rules for the ‘Sunshine Blogger Award’:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog;
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you;
  • Nominate 11 bloggers to receive this award and ask them 11 new questions; and
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post and/or on your site

Questions and Answers
Here’s what The Hospital Princess asked me, and my answers to them:

  1. What inspired you to start blogging?
    It was a remark by an online friend who also at the time was blogging. At the time I didn’t have a concrete diagnosis, but we both suffered from chronic dizziness and after reading some of my personal writing and knowing my story living with an undiagnosed condition she suggested creating my own blog to share my journey and to help myself and others going through a similar experience.
  2. Instagram or Twitter? Why?
    I would have to choose Twitter; I also have an Instagram account but much more active on Twitter mainly because I hate having my picture taken, always highly critical of my looks.  I also feel that I am much more eloquent with words!
  3. If you could choose another “niche” for your blog, what would it be?
    It would definitely have to be writing about books as I am an avid reader.  I have so many books but still always find myself buying more as I discover new and exciting authors and titles within the bookshops that I frequently inhabit.
  4. You can travel back in time. What age would you be?
    I would travel back in time to when I was 16 and going through a tough time at school, suffering from depression. I would give myself a big hug and reassure myself that it will be OK and that these feelings will pass.
  5. Professionally, what are your future goals?
    I have no idea.  At the moment with my health, I am just trying to get through each day.  But I would like to do more writing, either for online platforms or even get published in a magazine.
  6. Who is the biggest supporter of your blog and life in general? How do they keep you motivated?
    Of course, my biggest supporters will always be my parents. But outside of my immediate family, it would be my best friend Aisha who makes an effort, despite her own health struggles to read my writing and my blog whenever I publish something new and has even proofread my writing.  Her support and encouragement always keep me motivated!
  7. What is your favourite song lyrics? Why?
    I find lyrics in the song ‘Do You Hear the People Sing’ from the musical Les Miserables particularly inspiring and motivating.  ‘Even the darkest night will end, And the sun will rise’ is a beautiful reminder that nothing in life is permanent and the pain or the negative feelings we are currently experiencing will pass just as the night ends giving way to a new day.
  8. How do you promote your blog?
    I promote my blog through my social media channels – Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.  I also am members of various groups on Facebook to help share and promote my new blog posts.
  9. Most embarrassing moment?
    I once fell off a stage as I went up to collect an award which was very embarrassing, especially as there is still evidence somewhere as my parents were recording it!
  10. What do you dislike the most about blogging?
    It’s not so much about blogging per se, but it can be frustrating when you take the time to share the blog posts of fellow bloggers, but they don’t return the favour.  It doesn’t happen a lot, but some bloggers don’t even thank you which is frustrating as I think especially within the chronic illness community we should all support each other.
  11. How have you changed as a person since starting your blog?
    Well, I’ve certainly gained more perspective and insight into my experiences with living with a long-term health condition, have become more eloquent when describing my symptoms with doctors and other consultants, which may have helped in getting answers and culminating in a diagnosis.  I have grown in confidence as a writer and as a person.

My nominees for the ‘Sunshine Blogger Award’:

  1. Emmie from ‘Illness to Wellness: A Journey
  2. Heather from ‘Dinsoaurs, Donkeys and MS
  3. Chiara from ‘The Millennial Patient
  4. Amy from ‘Destined2Roam
  5. Ash from ‘Finding Rainbows in The Dark
  6. Em from ‘That Silver Spoonie
  7. Lara from ‘Mummy Seeing Double
  8. Jen from ‘Tripping Through Treacle
  9. Rebecca from ‘A Punk with MS
  10. Caroline from ‘PoTS and Spoons
  11. Sarah from ‘A Life Less Physical

My List of 11 Questions: 

  1. What inspires your blog posts? How do you come up with new things to write about?
  2. If you had to choose just one social media platform to use for the rest of your life, which would you choose and why?
  3. What fictional character do you most identify with and why?
  4. If you could be one person from history, who you would choose? Why?
  5. What has helped you reach acceptance in your journey with chronic illness? Or do you feel you have yet to reach acceptance?
  6. My latest blog post is about my favourite box sets to binge-watch. What was the last show you binge-watched or are currently watching?
  7. What lessons have you learnt from living with chronic illness?
  8. What blogger or bloggers do you admire the most? What have you learnt from them?
  9. Who gives you strength in your everyday life?
  10. What are your biggest struggles in everyday life?
  11. If you could accomplish anything in your future, what would it be?

Thank you once again to Cheyanne for the nomination! It’s such an honour and so lovely that you thought of me! 🙂

A few weeks ago much of the UK was battered by Storm Doris.  High winds and torrential rain affected many areas of the country.

One Thursday after arriving home from a morning out cut short because of the inclement weather; I watched the rain beating against the glass of my bedroom window, observing the dark grey clouds while I lay down on my bed battling the effects of chronic pain ravaging throughout my legs. I lay there wondering if and when this horrible, destructive storm will end.

Waking the next morning, after opening my bedroom curtains, to my surprise and delight I was greeted by beautiful blue skies and glorious sunshine.  It was then I was reminded that storms don’t last forever and that the sun always shines after the rain.
Furthermore, a realisation occurred to me that it could also be a perfect metaphor for life with chronic illness.  We all will, at some point in our lives, will experience a storm in our lives; a dark point that at the time feels like we’ll never get out of.  But, of course, nothing in life is permanent.  Our experiences and feelings like most things, such as storms are transient, before moving on, and making way for the sun to shine once more.

Of course, the definition of ‘chronic’ is something, usually describing an illness which is persisting for an extended length of time or one which is constantly recurring.  In this sense, living with chronic illness is like permanently living under a storm cloud.  However, although our conditions are permanent, our symptoms can sometimes be transitory, allowing a small piece of sunshine in our days.  It’s like Charlie Chaplin once said, “Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.”

[Tweet “However, although our conditions are permanent, our symptoms can sometimes be transitory.”]

Symptoms, which are often persistent and loud, can on some days concede, the feelings and their effects being fleeting and mild, letting us have a rare, good day.  Even living with a long-term condition, therefore, doesn’t mean accommodating a permanent storm in our lives.
Things recently have been difficult, in my own circumstances living with a neurological condition with increased pain and trembling in my legs.   Some days it has been so bad that I wonder how I have managed to get out of bed in the morning.  On the worst days, it has felt like I was living in my own bubble, surrounded by large and dark storm clouds above my head because of the severity of the physical symptoms, I was experiencing and the emotional toll they were having on my well-being.

Despite this, however, I have still found little rays of sunshine throughout my days even through this turbulent times.  Even little things such as enjoying the feel of the sun on my face, especially after spending days inside, or enjoying the taste of my favourite bar of chocolate.  It was also my birthday last week, and although my symptoms did slightly dampen the occasion, it was still so lovely to receive presents, cards, and messages from people who took the time out of their lives to think of little, old me!  These beautiful moments are small reminders that although it may not feel like it at this very moment, that storms indeed do not last forever.  Nothing is permanent, and these thoughts and feelings will not last forever.  This too shall pass.

[Tweet “Nothing is permanent, and these thoughts and feelings will not last forever.  This too shall pass.”]

Sitting here, thinking about the storms that roll in when living with chronic illness reminds me of my favourite quote from the author of one of my all-time favourite books, Louisa May Alcott.  She once famously wrote, “I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship.”
For me, it’s a truly beautiful reminder that the obstacles, challenges, and difficulties that any of us face during our lives help us build strength and resilience, and ultimately it is these hardships that teach us how we should be living our lives.  For if it were not for storms, we would never learn how to sail our ships; we would never learn the lessons of strength or resilience that helps us through the dark times.  Of course, this is of little use during periods of distress.

[Tweet “The challenges that any of us face during our lives help us build strength and resilience.”]

As I continue experiencing this particular, and the often distressing symptoms that they bring, I will try and continue to remember that storms don’t last forever, and I hope you do too.
Or if not, I hope you find ways to create your own sunshine…

Thank you to Llinos from the amazingly brilliant and inspiring blog ‘Whispers of Wellness‘ for tagging me to take part in the ’20 Things You Might Not Know About Me Challenge.’  This challenge was originally started by another blogger by the name of April from ‘Blacksburg Belle‘.  The aim of this blog tag was to build a community among fellow bloggers, and help these bloggers to not only connect more but to also get to know one another better.  If you are a fellow blogger and would like to participate or just want to know more information, then you can visit the original post here.

All about me!
All about me!

Question 1: How tall are you?
I am amazingly short at only 4″11 which makes it incredibly difficult to find nice clothes such as trousers and dresses. Often even clothes in the petite section of some stores are still too long on me!

Question 2: Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what? 
If I do have one, it is even hidden from me! So no, no hidden talents whatsoever.

Question 3: What’s your biggest blog-related pet peeve?
When certain sites require that I log-in or jump through hoops just to be able to comment on a post.  I want to be able to reply to someone’s post simply and quickly,  I feel that this stops from people adding to the conversation that I have started from my own blog posts.

Question 4: What’s your biggest non-blog related pet peeve? 
At the moment, it is definitely abled people parking in disabled parking bays.  This unfortunately happens a lot and as I need a disabled parking bay due to mobility problems it means that my carer and I have to wait for ages for another one to become available.  Wish some people would be more considerate and think before they use these parking spaces.

Question 5: What’s your favourite song? 
Such a difficult question as I have so many depending on my mood but I really do love Somebody to Love by Queen

Question 6: What’s your favourite Etsy shop that isn’t yours? 
It has to be the Itty Bitty Book Company as they sell the most beautiful and positive books, prints and cards.  I have bought several items from their store and they really help me to stay positive despite living with a chronic illness

Question 7: What’s your favourite way to spend your free time when you’re alone? 
It has to be reading.  It is one of my favourite pastimes anyway, but find it so relaxing and comforting to be able to curl up on my bed with a warm blanket and lose myself in a good book.  Find the silence really helpful to be able to concentrate on what I am reading too!

Question 8: What’s your favourite junk food? 
I do love to indulge in some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream when feeling down, or whenever my symptoms are particularly bad

Question 9: Do you have a pet or pets?  If so, what kind and what are their names? 
Yes, I have a dog (a dachshund cross jack russell) called Honey.  She really does add colour and joy into my life and provides me with comfort and security when alone in the house, and especially when I am alone whilst dealing with severe symptoms.  She can be like a nurse and security guard in one little package!


Question 10: What are your number one favourite nonfiction and fiction books?
So hard for a bookworm like me to come up with just two all time favourite books!!  They tend to change all the time but at the moment in terms of fiction it has to be The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult.  For a nonfiction choice, I have found Things Get Better by Katie Piper very useful in getting through difficult periods.

Question 11: What’s your favourite beauty product? 
My favourite beauty product has to be my BareMinerals foundation and blusher, as it has been very helpful in giving me a healthy and natural glow even when I have been deathly pale as a result of chronic illness

Question 12: When were you last embarrassed? What happened? 
The last time I was embarrassed was when I was in a local charity shop and the wheel on my wheelchair got caught in one of the display rails which resulted in the display falling and hitting me in the head with some force!  I was in flood of tears because of the pain and the shock as it was so unexpected.  That was embarrassing!

Question 13: If you could only drink one beverage (besides water) for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
I mainly only drink water anyway, but if I had to choose something else to drink I probably would choose a strawberry milkshake

Question 14: What’s your favourite movie? 
Again that it is a really difficult question as I really love my films and have quite an extensive DVD collection myself.  It often changes but it would probably be Safe Haven starring Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough.  It’s lovely and romantic!!

Question 15: What were you in high school: prom queen, nerd, cheerleader, jock, valedictorian, band geek, loner, artist, prep?
I was most definitely the loner – unfortunately I had very few friends at school as many could or perhaps would not understand the symptoms that I was living with and the effect that it was having on my life

Was most definitely a Loner in high school - just like Ally Sheedy from 'The Breakfast Club'
Was most definitely a Loner in high school – just like Ally Sheedy from ‘The Breakfast Club’


Question 16: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
I really have no idea, where I would live if I had to choose somewhere else to live.  I am a home bird at heart so I would probably answer that I am happy where I am living now.

Question 17: PC or Mac? 
Definitely would choose my Mac!

Question 18: Last romantic gesture from a crush, date, boy/girlfriend, spouse? 
Can’t think of one!

Question 19: Favourite celebrity? 
I really admire Angelina Jolie and all of the humanitarian work she has done over the years.  She often come across as extremely intelligent, articulate as well as somebody who cares about everyone she meets.

Question 20: What blogger do you secretly want to be best friends with?  
That is another really tough question as I have had the pleasure to meet many wonderful fellow bloggers and had the fortune to read many wonderful blogs which are interesting, articulate and thought-provoking.  If I had to choose one, I would choose Sophia from ‘Spoonie Sophia‘ as I really admire her strength and determination to find anything to help her deal with the symptoms that come from her chronic health conditions.  She is a fantastic advocate for anyone looking to experiment with their diet and using food as medicine.


I now tag:

Sophia from http://spooniesophia.wordpress.com/
Reina from http://reinafleet.wordpress.com/
Rachel from http://racheldavieswriter.com/