
neurological condition



Now the Christmas and New Year celebrations are upon us; it also allows us the opportunity to reflect on the year that is nearly at an end, and to also look forward to the year ahead.

This time of year, allows us to not only reflect on the difficulties and struggles that have occurred due to chronic illness, but we can also reflect on what the year has brought us and express gratitude for the positive moments or for the people who have supported us and made life with chronic illness a little easier.

Every person; whatever their situation and whatever struggles they live with, every year brings many ups and downs.  And living with chronic illness brings more downs than ups, but still we are able to find gratitude in all the positives that happen during the year.  An example, of such a positive thing that has happened to me during 2013 is finding such a strong support network, especially on social networks such as Twitter.  This year has seen me find many special and caring friends that make living with my neurological condition a little easier – they pick me up when I am down or struggling, and send me messages of congratulations on the successes.  This year, through all the bad times, I am grateful for friends such as Anya and Aisha for all of their friendship and support, and of course all of the other wonderful spoonies who have messaged me support throughout the year, for which there are many – thank you!

Again, this year has also seen me gain another nomination for a WEGO Health  Award; so for the bottom of my heart I would like to thank the person who nominated me for the award – I am truly honoured.

I also have to be so thankful for everyone who has taken the time to read, liked, shared and commented on my many blog posts throughout the year.  I have shared much of my life and experiences of living with a neurological condition, and so I am grateful for everyone who takes the time to read, and perhaps even take something out of it, such as a little more compassion or understanding of those living with chronic conditions.  During the coming year, however I would like to connect with even more people living with and experiencing chronic illness, so please feel free to get in touch whether it be by email, Facebook or Twitter and share your story and experiences.

There were however, many downs also.  The symptoms that I experience such as the dizziness, trembling in the legs and the pain have all increased and worsened exponentially compared to when they first started.  In addition, the days where I am unable to get out of bed because of the weakness, pain or dizziness (sometimes all of the above!) have also increased.  This year has also seen the increased use of my wheelchair; last year, I only used the wheelchair on very rare occasions.  However, as the symptoms have become worse, with the trembling and weakness in the legs becoming such a problem, that the wheelchair is used at least once a week if out for long periods such as the days out with my carer, going to the social group that I attend and hospital appointments, and so on.  In addition, with all the dips that have occurred, depression, have also reared its ugly head at times making the journey through chronic illness even harder.

Me in my wheelchair that is now a regular part of my life this year
Me in my wheelchair that is now a regular part of my life this year

But now, as the year is drawing to a close, it is time to start looking forward and to the possibilities that the mew year has to offer.  The beginning of the year for me involves three hospital appointments for an introduction to a Neurophysiotherapist as well as tests to help narrow down the cause of the dizziness – so here’s hoping for more answers and an effective treatment plan! And next year I also have a cruise around the Mediterranean to look forward to in May.  And perhaps I will discover new and beautiful places to discover with my carer, although for me nothing could top ‘The Potting Shed‘ in Llantrisant.


Welcome to the twenty-seventh day of the National Health Blog Post Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health.  Every day during the month of November I will be writing a new blog post related to health and living with a chronic illness based on given prompts provided by WEGO Health.

Today’s prompt reads:

Black Friday and Holiday Shopping: In preparation for Black Friday holiday shopping, give some advice on how to survive the long lines and packed stores.  How do you find the best bathrooms?  How do you stay comfortable on your feet?  Give us some tips before heading to the stores.

Lets's start preparing for the holidays...
Lets’s start preparing for the holidays…

Living with a neurological condition, and the symptoms that go along with it, such as the constant dizziness, weakness in legs and the fatigue, can make Christmas shopping a complete nightmare!  Shops are incredibly busy, crowds of shoppers swarm around like flies, and the queues are exceptionally long.  So, how can other people living with a neurological condition like myself survive Christmas shopping?   Here are some tips to survive this time of year:

Surviving Christmas Shopping with a Neurological Condition...it can be done!
Surviving Christmas Shopping with a Neurological Condition…it can be done!

Take lots of breaks when out shopping

As Christmas shopping, and generally being at shops during this time of year, can be very stressful and demanding, it is important therefore that a person living with a neurological condition paces themselves.  Instead of visiting shops during the busiest times, such as on a Saturday, perhaps it is best therefore to consider doing your Christmas shopping on a weekday instead.  In addition, as Christmas often means a lot of presents to buy, it is important to take regular breaks so that it doesn’t all become too much.  Find benches or seats to sit down on, or treat yourself to a hot drink at your favourite coffee shop every so often. By taking breaks, and going to the shops when it’s quieter will be firstly less stressful, and is a sure way of conserving much-needed energy,especially if fatigue is an issue for you.  Also, you will be less likely to burn out and become unwell, which certainly would spoil your Christmas Day.

Wrap up Warm during shopping trips to avoid unnecessary pain...
Wrap up Warm during shopping trips to avoid unnecessary pain…

Wrap up warm…

Many people with neurological conditions, such as mine, or other conditions such as MS, for example, can exhibit symptoms such as neuropathic pain in various parts of the body.  Additionally, many people report that their neuropathic pain, worsens during the cold weather.  Therefore, if this sounds like you, I would advise that you wrap up warm when Christmas shopping as it can be very cold walking around all of the shops, and wearing thermals and other warm clothing such as scarves, hats and gloves will help not to worsen the pain.

Use a ShopMobility Scheme to help conserve energy and help you get around this Christmas
Use a ShopMobility Scheme to help conserve energy and help you get around this Christmas

Consider hiring a wheelchair or mobility scooter, or take your own to help you get around…

With the neurological condition that I live with, I experience severe weakness in the legs, and as a result of this my legs can suddenly give way,  causing bad falls.  In addition, to the weakness; fatigue can also be an issue for me and other people living with neurological conditions.  To prevent yourself from becoming too tired or you find that you are unable to walk far because of pain, weakness or fatigue, it may therefore be worthwhile in taking your wheelchair during trips Christmas shopping so that you can stay out for longer, and not become as exhausted as you would normally.  If, however, you do not have your own wheelchair, you may instead consider hiring a wheelchair or mobility scooter from a branch of Shopmobility.  Shopmobility is a scheme which lends manual wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs and powered scooters to members of the public with limited mobility to enable them to still visit leisure and commercial facilities within local towns, cities or shopping centres.  Furthermore, the scheme is for anyone – from the young to old; from temporary to permanently disabled.

To find out more and find where your local Shopmobility scheme is; you can visit their website at www.shopmobilityuk.org or by phoning 0844 41 41 850.

Planning is key for an organised and stress-free Christmas...
Planning is key for an organised and stress-free Christmas…

Be organised…

If memory issues are as a result of a neurological condition, it may be advisable to make a list of all those you have to buy for, and perhaps even ideas for gifts to buy them for Christmas.  This not only ensures that you don’t gorget anyone you have to buy a present for, but can also save time whilst out at the shops.  For example, if you already know what you want to buy them, then when you go to the shops you just have to find the items and then pay at the till – saving you time and much needed energy.  If you do not know what to buy them, but already know what shops they like, then you can even use the internet to research for gifts before heading to the shops.  By thinking ahead, you also reduce the amount of pressure and stress placed upon you during the season.

If the stress of Christmas particularly gets to you, then perhaps one of the best pieces of advice for anyone with a chronic illness is to start as early as possible.  Perhaps even starting your shopping for the next year in January when there are massive savings to be had during the sales.  By doing this and buying little things during the year, means there is much less to do when Christmas season does start.

If mobility and fatigue are a real issue for you..then save your legs and feet and surf the internet for all your gifts!
If mobility and fatigue are a real issue for you..then save your legs and feet and surf the internet for all your gifts!

If all else fails…turn to the internet…

If however, heading to the shops, with all the crowds makes you tired and stressed, or if your mobility problems are so severe that you cannot walk far, you may want to avoid the high street altogether.  If you have the internet at home, then why don’t you log-on and browse all your favourite stores whenever you want and at your own leisure?  Enjoy looking at the product and gift ideas for Christmas whilst snuggled under a blanket, with a mug of your favourite hot drink and chocolates.  Alternatively, you can browse mail order catalogues, and are another home shopping option that will help save energy – look out for special offers, free delivery and online-only deals that could also save you money, as well as conserving your energy levels.  The internet, is also a great opportunity to find gifts that are unusual and may be hard to find on the high street.  For example, I have just discovered a gorgeous online retailer, that sells some unusual and beautiful gifts for every member of the family (even well-loved pets!) and which suits all budgets.  Find out more by logging on to ‘Not On The High Street‘.

Alternatively, you can also use a ‘Click and Collect’ service that many online high street stores now offer; and then ask a loved one if they wouldn’t mind heading to the shops and picking your shopping up for you!

So, those are my tops tips for surviving Christmas Shopping with a neurological condition!  Do you have any other tips that could help people survive shopping during the season holidays whilst living with a chronic illness?  As ever please feel free to add any comments and suggestions below…



Welcome to the National Health Blog Post Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health.  Every day during the month of November I will be writing a new blog post related to health and living with a chronic illness based on given prompts provided by WEGO Health.

Today’s prompt reads:

It’s the Holiday Season! Give us some tips you use to balance the holidays and your health.  How do you stay within your own boundaries and make sure you follow your health regime/plan?

Lets's start preparing for the holidays...
Lets’s start preparing for the holidays…

Christmas is perhaps my favourite time of year.  Although it’s extremely cold and miserable weather outside, in my opinion the season still provides a lot of joy and fun for everyone.  However, although it’s an extremely wonderful time of year, it does provide a number of challenges for anyone living with a chronic illness or disability.  So, the question stands: how can we deal with the upcoming holidays and still have fun and merriment and still look after our health and well-being?

The first must-do, especially at Christmas is to pace ourselves.   Although, the Christmas season is a very hectic time of year, and there is plenty to do, it is important for anyone living with a long-term health condition to be realistic about how much you are able to do and cope with.  Perhaps, use a diary and pre-plan your days of what you can do to plan for the holidays and mark down when you plan to carry out specific tasks relating to the holiday season such as when to do the Christmas shopping, going to visit family and friends to drop in presents and cards, as well as finding time to put the decorations up, and so on.  By planning and making time each day to prepare for the holiday season, we can ensure that we can also make time to rest and recover any energy that has been depleted whilst planning for Christmas.  This is especially important, as if we do too much and take on more responsibility than our bodies can handle , then we run the risk of becoming ill and suffering a relapse in our condition, and will therefore have an impact on our enjoyment of the holidays.

Planning is key for an organised and stress-free Christmas...
Planning is key for an organised and stress-free Christmas…

Planning is also key in having a fun and carefree Christmas and New Year.  Make lists of everything that you need or plan to buy for everyone you are buying a present for.  This will certainly help alleviate any extra stress that Christmas can place upon a person.  This is especially important for anyone with a chronic illness as stress can exacerbate illness, which can then lead to a relapse.  Also, it is important not be afraid to ask for help when needed, or when everything is becoming too much as it inevitable can during this time of year.  Again, doing too much can be dangerous for anyone living with a long-term health condition as we then run the risk of becoming ill during the Christmas season, and as a result it would not be an enjoyable time for you, as it should be.

Of course, as a result of the Christmas celebrations it means that we often deviate from our usual routines – we stay up later, get up later, and we may eat, drink and do a lot of different things that we are not used to.  However, it is therefore imperative that although our routines may be disjointed from usual, we still must remember to take our usual medications.  If memory is an issue for you, then remind yourself by setting an alarm on your watch or mobile phone to prompt you to take them.  Also, the Christmas seasons may mean invites to a lot of parties and other social gatherings, so think about perhaps either arriving later or leave early to avoid tiring yourself out, or alternatively ask the host if there is anywhere that you can sit or lie down to rest and recover during the party.

Also, although it may be tempting to join in with everyone else, in enjoying a lot of alcohol, it may be that you need to watch your intake of alcohol, especially if on several medications as it could have an adverse reaction with them.  Check with a pharmacist if it is safe to drink alcohol.  In addition, as I always do before the holidays, make sure that you have enough of your medication to last throughout the holiday seasons,  and ensure that any prescriptions will be processed in time, allow plenty of time as there may be a rush on Christmas Eve; also stock-up on over the counter medications as they may too be needed over the holiday season.

There are my top tips for surviving the Christmas holidays with a chronic illness!  Do you have any other tips for the readers?  How do you live with a chronic illness but also ensuring you enjoy the Christmas festivities?  As ever would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions and other comments you may have!  Comment below…



Welcome to the eighteenth day of the National Health Blog Post Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health.   Every day during the month of November I will be writing a new blog post related to health and living with a chronic illness based on given prompts provided by WEGO Health.

Today’s prompt reads:

Three Truths and a Lie: Tell us three things that are true about you, your condition, your Health Activism, or your life.  Now tell us a lie.  Do you think we will be able to tell the difference?


So, you think you know my health condition?  Let’s see!  Can you spot the incorrect statement from the four statements below?

  1. The dizziness that I experience is constant
  2. The spastic paraparesis only affects my legs
  3. Both hot and cold weather affects my legs
  4. The vertigo is triggered by visual disturbances

Do you know which is the incorrect statement?  Choose which one you think the wrong statement is in the poll below and I will reveal the answer tomorrow!





Welcome to the fourth post in the National Health Blog Post Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health.    Every day during the month of November I will be writing a new blog post related to health and living with a chronic illness based upon given prompts provided by WEGO Health.

Today’s prompt reads:

Training Wheels.  Write about a time your health condition forced you to grow up and take the training wheels off (so to speak)

As a person who has lived with a chronic health condition since childhood; I know exactly how  living with a chronic illness forces you to grow up far quickly than we are ready.   Instead of playing out with friends, it can force you being stuck inside feeling unwell, or in my case dizzy beyond belief.  Fun parties and sleepovers are replaced by endless doctors and hospital appointments in the quest of searching for a diagnosis to explain the symptoms that are unusual in childhood.  However, there are positives to living with illness from such a young age – for example, you become much more compassionate towards others , less judgemental and more understanding of people with other illnesses and disabilities.

Tests, injections and medicines become a way of life and eventually the training wheels are forced to come off and we are forced to grow up.




After living with illness for so long it is hard to pinpoint one situation that my personal training wheels were forced off.  In fact it is not just one situation that forces you to grow up, but it is a continuous process.  Illness forces you to acknowledge your limitations and to accept your life as it now is.  That is often the way you can move forward with your life and grow up and throw those training wheels out once and for all.

An example of this, was my stubbornness and reluctance to use my wheelchair; not only because I was ashamed or worried about what others would think of me using the wheelchair but also because I know how bad the dizziness can still be even when sitting down.  But after a lot of falls suffered when out, I finally had to accept and realise that the weakness in my legs would not get any better and that there was now a great need for me to start using the chair on a much more regular basis.  After I accepted this I grew up some more and started using the wheelchair, threw those training wheels off and started enjoying trips out in the wheelchair more than I ever thought I could!

To read more about the acceptance of needing a wheelchair, you can read a past blog post about just this topic: ‘Becoming Visible in an Invisible World

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