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WEGO Health Advocating for Another Carnival: Inside a Fishbowl Post

Welcome to the first post of the week-long carnival hosted by WEGO Health.  This special writing carnival focuses on health activists who dedicate their time advocating for someone else. Today for the first post I have decided to use one of the bonus prompts given.  The reason for this is that today’s prompt asked to provide a descriptive portrait of the health community and to provide an image.  However, as, I have mentioned before, the condition which I suffer from is...

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Did you Know?…

Did you know that September 10-16 is 'National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week'?  Well, it's based more in America, but still there are plenty of ways that people living in other parts of the world can participate - there are even going to be online virtual conferences to learn more about invisible chronic illness and connect with others.  To learn more about 'National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week', you can visit the website at: National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week Homepage  As...

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