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HAWMC 2013 Day 24: Pinterest Board

    Welcome to the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge brought together by WEGO Health – a social network for all health activists. Again, I am participating in the annual Writer’s Month Challenge in which I will be writing about my health activism and health condition based upon prompts given. Today’s prompt reads as follows: Create a Pinterest board for your health focus.  Pin 3 things.  Share the image [gallery ids=",1498,1499,1500"]...

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Invisible Illness Panel: Journey to Diagnosis with an Invisible Illness

Hello to all my readers I would like to take this opportunity to thank Christine Miserandino (@bydls) of 'But You Don't Look Sick' and WEGO Health for inviting me to take part in the Health Activist Roundtable yesterday as well as the other participants: Michele (@lifeaftertrauma), Andrea (@thegreatbowelmovement) and Amy (@abeeliever). Unfortunately, there were some technical difficulties on my end which prevented me from fully participating so thought I would take an opportunity to discuss my thoughts on some of the issues that...

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Am Taking Part in an Invisible Illness Panel!

Hello Everyone I just wanted to let you all know that tomorrow at 12.00 p.m. EDT (4.00 p.m. GMT) I will be taking part in an Invisible Illness Panel with WEGO Health and Christine Miserandino from 'But You Don't Look Sick' who is very influential within the Invisible Illness Community, the author of the wonderful and relevant 'Spoon Theory' and whom coined the phrase 'spoonies' for all those living and dealing with invisible chronic illness.  The topic will be the Journey...

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My Inspiration…

Over at WEGO Health this month is 'Health Activist Inspiration Month'.  The purpose of this month is to celebrate what drives health activists to empower themselves and others as well as the inspiration behind what makes them carry on the important work.  As part of the celebrations, I have decided to share the inspiration behind the blog and what inspires me personally. My inspiration comes from the loneliness and isolation that I felt after my diagnosis of a long-standing brain stem...

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WEGO Health Advocating for Another Carnival: Once Upon a Time…

Welcome again to another WEGO Health Advocating for Another Carnival, it's the fifth day and the prompt is as follows: It's storytelling day! Write a story about yourself, your community as though you are a children's book author.  Be sure to include a beginning, middle, and end.  Extra points for illustrations!  I love this prompt! It's really different and am sure it is a style of writing us health activists haven't tried before.  It seems to be a lot harder than it...

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