I received a very surprising reply to a post this week, and found that the lovely ladies over at ‘Below the Radar’ have nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!  I was overwhelmed and would like the opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to them for even thinking of the blog when nominating other blogs.  It really is a honour to be even nominated, and would love to officially accept the award.

To Go or Not To Go…   My Brain Lesion and Me

The official rules of acceptance are as follows:

  • Display the Award Certificate on your website (see below) 
  • Announce your win with a post and a link to whoever presented you with the award
  • Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers
  • Drop them a comment to tip them off after you have linked them to your post
  • Post 7 interesting things about yourself (may be difficult in my case!)



Seven interesting facts about me (or just facts!)

  1. I love musicals and recently went to the cinema (for the first time in some years) to watch Les Misèrables – I absolutely fell in love with the film and instantly downloaded the soundtrack (and later bought the Deluxe Edition with all the songs) which I have played a lot since buying the album 
  2. I have recently fallen in love with making decopauge cards and have even sold several cards at my social group.  I find it so relaxing and really takes my mind off my pain in my legs and the dizziness.  It is my number one therapy at the moment
  3. I am a gadget nut – I have a smartphone, tablet computer, e-reader as well as my desktop computer!  I can easily navigate my way around a new gadget, even setting it up all by myself.  If anything goes wrong with a gadget, it is usually me who solves the problem in my house
  4. To earn my Psychology degree I had to create, complete and write a research project.  I chose to complete a study looking at the stigma of mental illness.  The results were quite shocking and found that there the stigma of mental illness is still strife, especially if the person is perceived to be at fault for their mental illness.  The results were even of interest to the university’s student union, and helped them form a campaign to tackle the problem of stigma of the mentally ill.
  5. I am the current secretary of my local social group ‘Life 4 Living Pontypridd’, and am an active member of a similar group in another area close to where I live.  I am even in the process of starting my own group specifically for younger persons with disabilities
  6. I am a quiz addict!  I love watching quiz shows on television (my favourite being Pointless on BBC1) and love participating in quizzes – even getting quite competitive in the process!  They have even tried banning me from taking part in the quiz at ‘Life 4 Living’ as am constantly shouting out the answers before anyone else gets the chance!
  7. A lot of people are surprised to learn that I have never learned to ride a bike.  This is probably due to my problems with my balance, which was not diagnosed until later in life.  I tried when I was younger but always found it so difficult.

Now, for the nominations… Each of these blogs are ones in which I follow a lot, and the bloggers are all truly inspirational and I feel that they all deserved to be recognised for the inspiration that they provide for me and everyone else who has been touched by their words.  Here we go…


Chronicles of a Dystonia Muse


Peachy Pains 

Girl with the Cane

Hope Whispers 

The Patient Patient 

The Unseen Mag Blog

Despite Lupus 

Make this Look Awesome 

Let’s Feel Better 

Hidden Courage 

Pajama Daze 

A Chronic Dose

Licking the Honey 

Chronically Creative 


Congratulations to all!


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