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Keep Calm…and Stay Positive

As most of you know, that due to the unknown cause of my neurological condition is starting to get me down.  It is frustrating and disheartening when the doctors are unable to give you the answers that you so desperately crave.  It is simple – being undiagnosed is dejecting and can causes psychological symptoms such as depression.  All we crave is a diagnosis – a name for the cause of all that we go through on a daily basis.  A name that confirms that we are not crazy or that the symptoms are all in our head.

Due to the weakness in my legs as well as the severe dizziness and fatigue that I experience due to my undiagnosed condition, I am often unable to get out of my bed and so confined to my bed for days at a time.  Staring at the same four walls of my bedroom; a place where I spend a lot of my time anyway is not a positive experience.  It is often a painful reminder of my predicament; a predicament that I am an undiagnosed chronically ill patient.  Being confined to my bed, leads to feeling of loneliness and isolation – how many times when experiencing severe symptoms have thought you were the only person to be going through this experience?  Is that a yes I hear?  Me too.

However, Voltaire once stated “I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health”.  A truly inspirational quote, and one that is supported by research – there is a lot of evidence that suggests that being positive makes you feel less stressed; has a positive influence on your immune system and has a huge influence on your overall well-being.

But how can we still remain positive when living with a chronic illness, which has such a negative influence on all areas of our lives?

Well, for me I have started to assemble a ‘positivity board’.  A board with cards, postcards, or letters that are both positive and in turn makes me feel more positive and happy despite being bed-bound or dealing with unpleasant.

The board is no way finished but at the moment includes a couple of cards that I found in a local art gallery that includes positive quotes, for example “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take; but the number of moments that take our breath away” and my personal favourite “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain.”  Also, on my board is a gorgeous card that was sent to me by a dear friend which has some really lovely words both outside and inside the card which I shall treasure and which brightened my day when I received it – a time when I really needed it.

I also found a couple of butterfly clips which I found in a local shop which I bought just to brighten the board and because of my love of butterflies.

Try making a board for yourself and fill it with all the things that make you happy or makes you feel a little more positive despite whatever circumstances that you often find it hard to cope with, or one which has a negative impact on your life.

Stay Calm…and make a positivity board!




If you come across any cards that has any positive quotes or perhaps with a lovely picture of a butterfly or sunflower or anything else positive, let me know in the comments section and help fill my positivity board!


Thanks everyone! xx

  • Barbara

    I have found one in my postcard box I’m using for postcrossing. It is in German, but if you like to have it, let me know and I’ll send it (including the translation, of course 😉 ) 🙂

    August 25, 2013 at 2:40 pm Reply
  • onebreath

    What a lovely and positive idea… I find keeping quotes and inspiration around help to lift my spirits as well, or at least to remind me that there are times when I feel better and to ride out the waves and those times will emerge again.

    Two of my favourites (I have a truckload more!)…

    “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.”
    ― Mary Anne Radmacher

    “We need never be hopeless because we can never be irreparably broken”
    – John Green

    August 25, 2013 at 6:02 pm Reply
  • Michelle Lindsey

    Hi! I am so happy to have found your blog today!! I came across your blog when searching for blogs on chronic illness and chronic pain, as I have several chronic illnesses, of which the worst is Fibromyalgia, and I have been considering creating a blog. I love your idea above, and your positive attitude! I also struggle with being confined to my bed and bedroom much of the time. I am so thankful to connect to you here, as much of what you experience emotionally, I do too. I will be sure to let you know whenever I create my blog. I’m not even sure what I will call it yet. Thank you again and God bless!!

    August 28, 2013 at 6:55 pm Reply

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