June/July Book for ‘Spoonie Book Club

The book that we have chosen for the next month as part of ‘Spoonie Book Club’ is “How To Be a Woman’ by Caitlin Moran.


The book is part memoir and part debate on her own observations on the world and asks  the questions that are relevant to every modern woman’s like, such as the following:

  1. Why are we supposed to get Brazilians?
  2. Should we use Botox?
  3. Do men secretly hate us?
  4. And why does everyone ask when you’re going to have a baby?

Have you read this book?  What were your thoughts?  Like to read the book?

Then, whether you have read the book and would love to discuss it, or simply would love to read along with us and take part in our discussions then you are more than welcome to do so!  Join in the discussion in early July using the hashtag #spooniebookclub

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