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HAWMC Day 26: Health Tagline

Welcome everyone again to ‘Brain Lesion and Me’ for those just joining me, welcome. Throughout April I will be writing a new blog post everyday as part of WEGO Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge – ’30 Days, 30 Posts’. The posts will be inspired by the prompts given by WEGO Health. The prompt for today, the 26th day of the challenge reads as follows:

Health Tagline…Give yourself, your blog, your condition, or some aspect of your health a tagline. Make sure it’s catchy!

I have given this some thought about what to choose as a tagline, and have come up with the following:

“Once Upon a Dizzy Spell…”

Why have I chosen this tagline? Well, for starters, the dizzy spells at the age of 8 was the beginning of the journey of my condition and the fight it took to get a definitive diagnosis. It was to some extent the first sign that there was something wrong – especially as dizzy spells amongst children seems to be an unusual symptom even though the doctors seemed to just brush them under the carpet and sent me on my way without referring me for further testing.

And another reason why I have chosen the tagline is that I am enjoying the new series, ‘Once Upon a Time’. The show is an American fairytale drama starring Robert Carlyle, Jennifer Morrison and Ginnifer Goodwin in which the fairy tales from our childhood and our world collide. And what is the first thing you think of when you hear the words “Once upon a…”, a story, right? Well, that’s exactly what my blog is about – it’s my story of living with my health condition and how it affects me, so think the tagline fits in perfectly with what I am trying to achieve with writing the blog.

So, “Once Upon a Dizzy Spell…’ is my chosen tagline! What do you all think? Should I use it on the blog?

If you had to choose a tagline for yourself, what would it be? Again would love to hear from you – please feel free to leave any comments and thoughts…


  • Kimberly Muñoz (@KMunoz28)

    I LOVE it. And it fits perfectly 🙂 I guess I better come up with mine, can we say slacker! That’s me today! Much love!

    April 26, 2012 at 8:38 pm Reply
  • rhiannlouise

    Thank you so much! I may use it for a tagline instead of the one I have now. Good luck with today’s post, I know you will come up with something great! Thanks again for the support.

    Much love!

    April 26, 2012 at 8:48 pm Reply

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