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HAWMC Day 19: 5 Dinner Guests

Hello Everyone, a brand new day has arrived and is now time for the next post in the WEGO Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge.  And the prompt given for today is as follows:

5 Dinner Guests…Who are 5 people you’d love to have dinner with (living or deceased) and why?

So, this challenge is quite tough, as there are many people, living and deceased, who would be fascinating people to invite for a dinner part.  After some thought, I have  decided that I would invite the following people for my ultimate fantasy dinner party:


1 and 2. Marissa and Theresa: whom I have met through a support group for people living with dizziness.  I would love to invite all my friends who I have made from various groups and communities I have met during my journey of living with chronic illness.  However, as I only have 5 places I have chosen Theresa and Marissa as I feel these two amazing women have my biggest supporters, picking me up during the bad times, even contacting me via Skype when I have been feeling very down…

3. Jodi Picoult: I have chosen Jodi Picoult as I am a massive fan of her works, and believe she is a fantastic author, owning all of her 19 published books.  As a writer myself, I truly admire her writing style and the extensive research she undertakes for the subject matter which she is writing about.  Not only are her books absorbing, but also raises questions various ethical and moral dilemmas, making you ask question your own beliefs.  If you have not read any of her books, I would highly recommend reading them…

4. Adele: I have chosen Adele, as I believe she has an amazing talent, and often find myself listening to the lyrics of her songs, finding words and phrases that I can relate to.  Recently, watched a concert that was recorded when she performed at the Royal Albert Hall in London.  Not only did she sound amazing, but was also incredibly funny and down-to-earth.  I am sure she would have many interesting anecdotes to share, as well as the opportunity for high-quality entertainment during the evening….

5. Michael J. Fox: I am not a huge fan of Michael J. Fox but truly believe he is an inspiration to many, especially those suffering from chronic and life-long conditions.  It is inspiring the way he battles Parkinson Disease with grace and dignity, raising the profile and awareness of the condition and help a great many people also battling the degenerative neurological disorder. I recently discovered a quote that he wrote, which said “I can get scared, get frustrated, but I never get depressed…because there’s joy in my life”.  I believe there are a great many lessons that could be learnt from a man like him, as well as being able to gain insights on how to cope when facing a life-long neurological condition…

So, there are my 5 dinner guests.  Who would be your top 5 dinner guests?  Share yours below, or post the link to your blog so I can read them.

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