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Back from cruising…but writing hasn’t stopped!

Welcome to all readers new and old.

Sorry for the lack of content recently, but as some of you may remember I wrote a post as part of the WEGO Health HAWMC on how I was about to embark on a cruise; the first holiday that I have been on for some considerable time ( you can read the post here).  Anyway, yesterday I arrived back from that very cruise.  I would love to say that the experience was amazing and completely enjoyable, but unfortunately the neurological condition and the symptoms that go along with that, very much got in the way and made the holiday experience very difficult at times.  I will write a post all about my personal cruise experience in due course, but at the moment life is busy with unpacking and sorting through all of my many emails!

Anyway, just wanted to make you all aware that again I have contributed to the wonderful ‘The Pillow Fort Magazine’, which is a fun, positive and inspirational digital publication for young people suffering with chronic illness.  The premise of the magazine and the wonderful community that the editor Lizzy has established is to provide a safe, positive and fun sanctuary for those battling chronic illness to be uplifted, inspired and make the experience of living with illness a little more fun, or in the words on the website ‘make chronic illness suck less.’  Inside the magazine there are approximately 20 submissions including written articles and beautiful photography from a variety of young spoonies battling with different chronic conditions (of which I am one!).  Each page is beautifully designed as well as being unique.  It is a wonderful magazine, and one which is particularly uplifting on those bad days stuck in bed.  The articles are beautifully written and thought-provoking in the sense that it makes you look at living with chronic illness in a different way.  As an example there is a wonderful article on the similarities between various superheroes and those living with chronic illnesses.

Here is a sneaky peek at my pages in the magazine!:

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To read more of my article in the new issue of the magazine and be generally uplifted and inspired by each and every contributor then you can go and get your own personal (digital) copy of the magazine here

And please get in touch and let me know what you think of my article or on the magazine in general! Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions in the comment section below…

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