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A Perfect Sunday Dinner Party …


Welcome to the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge brought together by WEGO Health – a social network for all health activists.  Again, I am participating in the annual Writer’s Month Challenge in which I will be writing about my health activism and health condition based upon prompts given.

Today’s prompt reads as follows:

Sunday Dinner…Who are 5 people you’d love to have dinner with (living or deceased) and why?

I don’t know about all of you, but Sunday Dinners are possibly the best family dinner of the week.  Every Sunday, my small family and I make the effort to sit around the dinner table and eat our dinner together. So who would be my favourite dinner guests that I would enjoy a lovely Sunday dinner with?

As a Sunday dinner is a time to spend with people who are important to you, I have therefore chosen the following people:

  1. My best friend Aisha
  2. Another great friend Anya (blogs over at ‘The Patient Patient
  3. Another great friend I have made along the way of my journey with chronic illness Hayley who has set up the fantastic community over at ‘Neuro Nula
  4. My Mum
  5. A great friend Claire who I regularly see IRL (in real-life)

A lot of people, I am sure would choose favourite celebrities whom they admire or those who they find attractive, I however, wanted to choose people whom I know and have supported me throughout my journey with illness.

Each of the people on my list above, and have all helped and supported me in very different ways.  Of course, my Mum is a person whom I see everyday, and share many meals such as Sunday dinner.  However, she is one person whom I would immediately choose for my dream dinner party, as she is a person I adore and admire.  She is a fantastic Mother, and a person who always supports me in everything I do, as well as doing things to help me when my condition is very bad, and does so with no complaints.  But more than that, she is a fun and wonderful person.

Mum is a wonderful carer who always looks after me; even sometimes neglecting herself

Mum is a wonderful carer who always looks after me; even sometimes neglecting herself

Aisha, Anya and Hayley are all people whom I have met on Twitter, however, although we have no met in real-life (but would love to if the opportunity arose) it does not make them any the less great friends.  All these girls have experience of illness themselves, and so they are a fantastic support system to have in place.  But most of all, I really appreciate the support that they have shown, and the friendships that we have developed mean the world.  Aisha is the most amazing friend that I have ever known; despite living with chronic illness herself, she nevertheless always makes the effort to check in on me to see how I am feeling, and is constantly thinking of ways to ease the symptoms that I am experiencing.  Furthermore, I will never forget the most beautiful bouquet of flowers that arrived at my house on my birthday from her.  These flowers instantly put a smile on my face and made the day so special.  I cannot express how much she means to me.

Beautiful flowers from the most wonderful friend :)

Beautiful flowers from the most wonderful friend 🙂

Anya is another wonderful friend who has always supported both me and this blog; and when I am experiencing a bad flare in my condition she sends me a lovely message on Twitter.  Receiving a message on the bad says really helps, and although cannot ease the symptoms, it does however remind you that you are not alone in this journey with chronic illness.  And furthermore, I will never forge the lovely cards and packages that have arrived unexpectedly on my doorstep  – a lovely gesture and something which always brightens the day and puts a smile on my face.

Then there is, Hayley, whom I have gotten to know through her project organising a community for those with neurological conditions.  We have been friends for a short time, but I will always remember the support that she has shown in not only me but also the blog and my writing in general.  Furthermore, she has also trusted in my judgement and asks my opinion on aspects of the Neuro Nula community, and has trusted me in the social media aspect of the community.  She is a friend that has made me feel valued given me a purpose in life, and for that I can never thank her enough.

And finally Claire – she has been the most wonderful and generous friend.  For example, she invited me to stay with her and her family whilst my parents were away for the weekend.  Furthermore, I will always cherish our nights out, mainly to Harvester’s and the wonderful meals out which we have shared.  Often, these meals have come at exactly the right time; when my life with my condition and have been tough, and just being able to get out of the house, with a fun and supportive friend has been exactly what I have needed.  Me and Claire share such a great laugh when we go out together, and really appreciate the ability to do so and be able to forget all my troubles and to some extent the symptoms that I live with, even for a short time.  Thank you Claire.

These five women mean the world to me and there is no one else in the world who would make a dinner party more wonderful than them ( no, not even Tom Hiddleston!).

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