
what makes me awesome



Welcome to the penultimate day of the National Health Blog Post Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health.  Every day during the month of November I will be writing a new blog post related to health and living with a chronic illness based on given prompts provided by WEGO Health.

Today’s prompt read:

Toot that Horn!  Want to hear a secret?  You’re awesome!  (It’s actually not even really a secret).  This is going to be hard for you, O Modest One, but you gotta give yourself props today!  Wrote three things you love about yourself – things you’re great at – or just want to share.  Don’t you dare signpost or undercut those self-compliments!

Apparently I'm awesome?
Apparently I’m awesome?

I will admit, I have struggled so much with this prompt.  I am not one for, tooting my horn so to speak, and struggle with making lists of what I love about myself; or about what I am good at.  I even tweeted about this, as I was so stuck:

A great friend of mine, Anya replied to this:

The next day, whilst checking my email, I came across an email from Anya, who came up with a list of things that make me awesome.  In the email, she writes:

  1. You always support and think of others even during your own tough days
  2. You always tweet kind things
  3. You always rise even after falling
  4. And you rise consistently well!
  5. You are dancing beautifully despite the relentless rain and storm



What do I think makes me awesome, the question asks?  Here are some that I finally managed to come up with!

  1. I think that I am considerate towards others; for example, even when I am not feeling well, or even when my legs are weak I will still complete chores around the house to lessen the amount that my Mum has to do around the house.  I regularly do the washing-up, when my health allows, even when the trembling is bad so my Mum, who has worked all day, doesn’t have to do it.
  2. Keeping up with the blog and other social media is pretty awesome!  And on top of that I am involved with several project such as Life 4 Living, Neuro Nula and Unseen Magazine.  I like to keep busy, and advocate of==for other people with chronic health conditions as well as raising awareness for neurological conditions.  You could say that I am helpful?
  3. I still remain positive despite living with a chronic illness, which is pretty awesome as all of you will know living with any illness is hard and difficult, especially during the tough times.  I have even designed my own ‘Positivity Board’ with little notes and positive sayings to look at when I am in bed due to illness, and to generally cheer me up when times get tough.
My Awesome 'Positivity Board'
My Awesome ‘Positivity Board’

Those are the things that are awesome about me – through my own eyes and those of a close friend!  Are there other things that we have missed, that make me awesome?  If you have any then please comment below, and make my day as well as giving me something lovely to read and remind myself when I am struggling or just generally having a bad day…