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HAWMC Day 3: Superpower Day

Hey Everyone Another day, and another new post for the WEGO Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge. Okay, so today's prompt says the following: If you had a superpower - what would it be? How would you use it? After some deliberating, and going through all the superhero's that we all know - Superman, Spiderman, Batman, and so forth for some inspiration, I have decided that my superpower would be the ability to teletransport from place to place. At one point during the exercise,...

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HAWMC Day 2: Quotation Inspiration

Well the 2nd of April is here, and so is the second post in the WEGO's Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge.  Today's prompt is as follows: Find a quote that inspires you (either positively or negatively) and free write about it for 15 minutes So, thought this will be an easy challenge for me, as part of my daily journal that I keep I regularly write different quotes that I have found, positive ones that inspire me or lifts my mood, or...

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HAWMC Day 1: Health Time Capsule

Well folks, April is finally here - the sun is shining and flowers are blooming, Spring is definitely in the air - and of course begins the Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge courtesy of WEGO Health. A challenge in which I have to write a post for every day in April - being provided with prompts that I have to write about. Today's prompt says the following: Pretend you're making a time capsule of you and your health focus that won't be...

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