
The Overtones




Welcome to the twelfth day of the National Health Blog Post Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health.  Every day during the month of November I will be writing a new blog post related to health and living with a chronic illness based on given prompts provided by WEGO Health.

Today’s prompt reads:

Top Three Tuesdays: Name three songs that you can listen to that gets you out of a low point or lift your spirits 


The Overtones: 'Saturday Night at the Movies'
The Overtones: ‘Saturday Night at the Movies’

The first for my top 3 of songs to lift my spirits when living with chronic illness gets me down or my symptoms are particularly is not actually a song but, have instead chosen an entire album.  Last week, was a very tough week as my dizziness was extremely severe and was left unable to function but it was also the week that the new album by the group ‘The Overtones’ was out.  The album is entitled ‘Saturday Night at the Movies’ and as the title suggests it is an album composed of popular songs from films such as ‘The Blues Brothers’, ‘Dirty Dancing’, ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ and ‘Pretty Woman’.  I instantly fell in love with listening to the album and despite the severity of the dizziness and how miserable it was making me feel, I found however that listening to the upbeat songs instantly lifted by spirits and my mood.  My particular favourite songs on the album to listen to, for lifting my spirits and making me feel happy are ‘Shake a Tail Feather’ ‘Do You Love Me?’, ‘The Bare Necessities/I Wanna Be Like You’ and ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’.  An album that has out a smile on my face even through the darkest of hours.

What Doesn’t Kill You (Stronger) by Kelly Clarkson 

Again this is another uptempo track, which instantly lifts my mood anyway.  But in my opinion, this song makes a great soundtrack on an album designed especially for ‘spoonies’ as it is a reminder that although it may not always feel like it, especially when our chronic illnesses are bad we are still strong for living through all of it.  Although, it’s a song about a break-up after the end of relationship, it still applies in many different areas of life, including rising back up after a knock from living with a chronic illness.

Born This Way by Lady Gaga

This is by far my favourite Lady Gaga song.  It’s upbeat, fun and most of all the lyrics remind us that whatever makes us different from others, whether it’s sexuality, skin colour or in spoonies case living with a chronic illness then we should not be ashamed of who we are, and instead celebrate our uniqueness, because after all “we were born this way”.  In the past, perhaps long before I was diagnosed I was ashamed of my health problems, and the symptoms that I constantly had to live with, and this song just reminds me not to be, and just love myself for the person I am instead of the person that I wished I could be.


So, there are my Top 3 Music Playlist to lift my spirits on a bad day with chronic illness.  What are your go-to songs when you are going through a low point or need to listen to something that lifts your mood?  As ever would love to hear your comments and views so please comment below….