
the future


Well, everyone welcome to another post of the WEGO Health ‘National Health Blog Post Month’ for 2012.  I will write another post tomorrow which will sum up the experience of the month-long writing challenge, and a quick recap of the topics that have been covered and so on.

The prompt that I have chosen for today asks us about future plans, and what accomplishments we would like to complete during the coming year.

Plans? That word is one which the chronically ill hates – living with a chronic illness makes it hard to make any kinds of plans.  Never knowing how you will feel day-to-day, or even from one moment to the next makes it almost impossible to make plans.  We don’t like to make concrete plans such as booking tickets to see a show or a music concert just in case we are unable to attend.  And when friends asks us out somewhere; our response is usually “I would love to, but I will have to say how I am on the day.  Is it okay if I get back to you?”  It can be very frustrating, not being able to do all the things we like, when we want to do them.  Often, when we cancel plans with friends a lot of the time; these friends stop asking; in this case, of course they are not real friends anyway.

But that said, in 2013 I would like to be able to accomplish going out regularly like I have been doing with my P.A, and pushing my comfort zones somewhat; to try going to new places.  The most difficult aspect of the condition which I live, is the difficulty which I have with big, spacious buildings which have high ceilings, not only does it mean that I miss out on going to some of my favourite shops that are near to me, but also narrows my world that bit more, especially as many of the new shops that are being built have high ceilings.

But maybe if I push myself that little bit more, I will be able to go in them, even for short periods of time, so I can buy the clothes that I would like (and so I don’t have to worry about postage and package costs).  I know it won’t be easy; the dizziness will be extremely intense, and will probably feel incredibly unwell and weak afterwards, but is that the price I will have to pay to lead a more ‘normal’ life? It will give me more confidence and widen my world more, given me more places that I can explore!…

What would you like to accomplish during 2013?