



Welcome to the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge brought together by WEGO Health – a social network for all health activists.  Again, I am participating in the annual Writer’s Month Challenge in which I will be writing about my health activism and health condition based upon prompts given.

The first prompt reads as given:

Superpower Day…It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…you!  If you had a superpower – what would it be?  How would you use it?

I am sure that the majority of people who are asked this very question, they would answer with hypothetical superpowers such as invisibility, flying or the ability to read minds.  However, being a spoonie, I would like a superpower which is rather ordinary and mundane – and that superpower would be the ability of having endless energy.

Spoonie Superhero - looks just like you and me but with lots of energy!
Spoonie Superhero – looks just like you and me but with lots of energy!

One of the most common symptoms of a lot of chronic illnesses is fatigue.  Fatigue being defined as “extreme tiredness“.   As a result of fatigue, energy levels are severely reduced and in turn activity levels are also severely reduced.  All the chores that you once could easily complete, now feels as if you are attempting to climb an impossible mountain.  And as you are no longer able to complete as many (or sometimes no) chores, we are often very reliant on others to do things for us – such as cleaning, doing the shopping, cooking and so on.

This can often feel very demoralising , especially when being young and seeing others’ your age going out partying for hours on end and still being able to get up the next day and head for work, and there you are unable to complete small chores around the home. Therefore, the one superpower that I would choose to have over any other, is simply the power of having endless energy.  Being able to have the energy to be able to do everything that I would like to do, instead of completing something and then having no energy to do anything else for the rest of the day.  Even to be able to do the housework for my Mother and feeling that I have done something  to take the added burden away from her, and generally feel that I have accomplished something would booster my self-esteem and make me feel valued.

Recently, the fatigue that I have been experiencing has been very bad – after going out with my carer shopping, going for coffee or to the gym, I am absolutely worn out; and at times have changed straight into a comfortable pair of pyjamas and having a nap!  And I am finding that I am even feeling the effects of going out the next day with no energy to be able to do anything.

So, wouldn’t it be lovely just to have endless amounts of energy instead of being so tired that you have no energy to be able to do anything?  Imagine the freedom that could come from that…


What would you do if you had endless energy? Feel free to comment below.

Hey Everyone

Another day, and another new post for the WEGO Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge. Okay, so today’s prompt says the following:

If you had a superpower – what would it be? How would you use it?

After some deliberating, and going through all the superhero’s that we all know – Superman, Spiderman, Batman, and so forth for some inspiration, I have decided that my superpower would be the ability to teletransport from place to place. At one point during the exercise, I was debating whether to go for flying – but seeing as I have a phobia of heights I decided against it! Heights is definitely one of my ‘Achille’s Heels’ in my life.

So why I have chosen my superpower to be teletransportation? Well for one, due to my condition – my weak legs, the dizziness, vertigo and the frequent visual disturbances I am unable to get out by myself. So, if I were to have the ability of teletransportation I would not have to rely on other people – especially my parents to take me to places where I want to go. To go somewhere to pass the time instead of spending it on the computer or watching daytime television – to go out when I want to instead of waiting for someone to take me.

Image: http://by-anca.blogspot.co.uk/2010/07/girls-and-just-another-girl.html

Another reason is due to the weakness in my legs, as I have regularly stated in the blog am unable to stand for very long before my legs collapse from under me – teletransportation would take the problem away of having to queue for public transport (which I am unable to do) – maybe I would even able to teletransport a chair with me so I would be able to sit down before a fall occurs – although my legs often give way without any warning!

I will be able to go to places that I have always dreamed of and go to America and Canada to meet dear friends that I have made in the fantastic support groups that I have found. Friends that have given me so much support, understanding and friendship during these last few months and at times when things have been bad. Through teletransportation I would be able to achieve that dream and without the need of going to an airport – with high ceilings and fluorescent lights which leave me feeling incredibly dizzy and can bring on the attacks of vertigo and visual disturbances that I experience.

And how I would use this superpower? Well I would use it to ease the burden that I often feel that I am on my parents? A superpower like this would mean that I could be less reliant on my Mum and Dad – I could take myself out instead of having someone else take me… A power that would just simply make life easier for me and give me a better quality of life…

So, what would your superpower be, and how would you use it? Again please comment below on your thoughts, suggestions, etc…

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