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New Year, New Beginnings, But Still Sick

New Year, New Beginnings, But Still Sick

Sheryl from A Chronic Voice, as well as sharing her own stories and lessons with chronic illness. Sheryl is an excellent support to other bloggers and writers living with illness and chronic pain. One such way is through monthly link-up parties whereby bloggers and writers share their stories through given prompts. For January 2020, I will use the prompts to discuss the promise of a new year and new beginnings from the perspective of being still sick. As I sit here,...

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A New Chapter Begins…

It's been so long since my last post.  In the time during my absence, a notable change has occurred - the end of one decade of my life and the beginning of another one, yes, since my last post two months ago I have turned 30 years of age!  Of course, the occasion was somewhat low-key, opting for a spa break consisting of being pampered instead of a large party with family and friends which could only exacerbate new feelings...

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