





Welcome to the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge brought together by WEGO Health – a social network for all health activists.  Again, I am participating in the annual Writer’s Month Challenge in which I will be writing about my health activism and health condition based upon prompts given.

Today’s prompt reads as follows:

Write about something ordinary that’s inspiring to you, something simple, perhaps overlooked, that fuels your activism 


I am not sure whether it fuels my activism but sometimes inspiration comes from the smallest of tasks.  In our house, I am the designated dishwasher!  Of course, at times I am unable to complete the task because of illness, but most of the time I wash the dishes after breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Often people, think of washing dishes they find it a chores; a mundane task that needs to be done.




However, I find it very relaxing, and when I am doing the dishes I find that it allows me to listen to my music, and think freely as I feel the warm water through my hands as I wash all the dishes.  It allows me to look outside the window to our garden and look at the beautiful flowers that bloom there.  Often, thoughts pop into my head as I stand there; I remember little details that I have forgotten about or interesting topics that I might discuss on the blog.

I can dream freely whilst standing at the sink; dreaming of a life without illness or all the little things that I want to achieve despite it.

Many see washing the dishes is a chore; however I see it more of a chance of relaxation; a chance at being inspired as well as allowing us to dream about all the possibilities that life has to offer!

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