
chronically awesome





Welcome to the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge brought together by WEGO Health – a social network for all health activists.  Again, I am participating in the annual Writer’s Month Challenge in which I will be writing about my health activism and health condition based upon prompts given.

Today’s prompt reads as follows:

We all know Health Activists are awesome.  Share three things you love about yourself, things you’re great at, or just want to share.  Don’t undercut or signpost!

This I have to admit is a difficult post for me to write as I am not very good at paying myself compliments.  Often, I a self-deprecating and very rarely think about my positive qualities – I often have to ask people to help me pick out my best qualities as I have no clue!

Recently, I have started tapping into my creative side and making greeting cards.  At first, I started making them for myself to give to relatives and friends during times of celebration.  However, after taking them into my afternoon social group, I instantly had orders from the members asking if I could make some for them to give as cards.  Not only do I find it very relaxing sitting down and making the decopauge cards, it also takes my mind off the pain I experience.  I have had a lot of compliments from people regarding my cards; so at least other people think that  it is something that I am good if I don’t always believe it myself!  Here are some of the cards that I have made:



Writing is something that I love doing, and this blog has turned into a big passion of mine.  I love sharing my experiences and thoughts with others, and there is nothing more satisfying as a writer than receiving comments from others and telling me that they enjoyed my writing and they were able to relate to what I wrote in that particular post.  I have had the fortune to receive comments on my blog, Facebook or on Twitter how much people enjoy my writing, which means so much.  Writing is something that I have always been good at, and so was the main reason why I decided to start the blog as a way of raising awareness of neurological conditions.


My Brain Lesion and Me   Once Upon a Dizzy Spell… A Story of a girl living with a neurological condition


Another thing that I love is my breadth of my general knowledge!  I love nothing more than playing general knowledge quizzes whether this is watching quizzes on television; playing board games such as Trivial Pursuit or taking part in a pub quiz.  At my local group, one of my nicknames is ‘Quiz Bandit’ as I tend to know the answers to a lot of the questions asked, and many times have seen my team to victory!


So there are 3 things that I am good at!  Took me a while to even come up with these – but in the end I managed it!  So, what are some of the things you are good at, or love about yourself?  As ever, please feel free to comment below….

Happy New Year!!

I hope that the recent holidays was a happy and joyful time for you and all of your loved ones.  And that despite any health problems that you (or loved ones) experiences you were able to take part in all of the festivities and managed to enjoy yourself.  I spent the New Year, seeing it in by  myself as my parents were both working the next day, not the most fun, but I love to stay up and seeing the New Year in, wondering about the all the possibilities that the New Year has to offer, hoping it will be better than the last.  Also, hoping that it will be a healthier year for me and all of my loved ones.



A few weeks ago, I was invited to an event on ‘Facebook’ to an exciting writing project by a friend which was set up by an organisation called the ‘Chronically Awesome Foundation’.  The project asks us to write a blog post on the following topic:

“What does being chronically awesome mean to you?”


For me ‘chronically awesome’ is a phrase of celebration – not a celebration, of whatever may be wrong with us, but a celebration of who we are DESPITE our diagnosis.

There are a lot of patients out there who blog, writing about their particular health condition.  This may be for a variety of reasons; to have an outlet to vent for all of the things which make it difficult with living with a chronic illness, or it may be that they wish to make others more aware about the condition in which they live.  In any instances, it may be often difficult to separate the person from their condition.  However, as the term ‘chronically awesome’ may suggest that we are all more than our diagnosis – it is something that we live with instead of the condition being a part of us; ingrained within our personal identity.

But of course, everyone battling with a chronic illness is so much more than their illness – have great passions, talents that may not be known to others, are funny and brave and so on. And it is all these traits which make those with chronic health conditions “chronically awesome!”

And it’s all about remembering this when going through all the bad days which chronic illness often brings – and doing what you can with everything you have.  To not to dwell on all the negatives, but instead remember all the positives in life; those which cannot be tarnished by illness – and most of all to smile and bring positivity!  Think of chronic illness as a long drawn out war, there are times when chronic illness and all with what they bring in terms of symptoms may win certain battles (such as stopping us from doing things which we may want to on a given day) but by having a positive attitude, chronic illness will not win the overall war.

“Chronically awesome” is also all about doing all those little things which bring us joy or those activities which we miss doing due to ill-health, and those times when we are able to complete these activities which are often out of the question as we feel so bad, again makes us “chronically awesome.”  It’s all about living life to the fullest despite chronic illness – instead of simply existing with a chronic illness.

And this state of being ‘chronically awesome’ is not just meant for the individual but to me, is a collective effort from everyone suffering with a chronic illness.  We live through it all together – through it all; the insomnia, the pain, the dizziness and all of those appointments at the doctors’ office or hospital.  We complain and vent without the comparisons, and the “Whose illness is worse?” game.  We support one another during the bad times, and celebrate the triumphs when they occur.  So many times I have pondered many questions regarding my condition or about the symptoms I experience; and by the power of social media, there have been many people who have reached out and offered me advice, solutions or just their unwavering support.   The people whom I have met online I know are always there for me, and will often describe them as ‘my online family’.  We all understand one another, and are sometimes are the only people who truly understand exactly what it is like for me.  Everyone of my chronically ill are themselves ‘chronically awesome’!


What does the term ‘chronically awesome’ mean to you?  Share your thoughts and perhaps links to what you have written for the writing challenge (if you have participated).

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