
Butterfly Lessons


Welcome to the very last post of the WEGO Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge – a time to reflect on the last thirty days, writing everyday based on prompts provided.

I personally would like to thank WEGO Health for the opportunity to take part in the ’30 Days, 30 Posts’ Challenge.  The prompts provided allowed me the opportunity to think about my condition and the challenges associated with it in more detail and also made me think about my health, and the difficulties I face in more detail, and how I may be able to overcome them.  The HAWMC also challenged me as a writer, writing in different styles that I may not have used otherwise, and the ‘fun’ prompts such as the Haiku poem or the madlib was completely different to anything I have tried before.

My favourite prompt?  My favourite prompt was those using images to convey my health condition and health focus.  It was difficult at first, as my particular condition is ‘invisible’ but I found clever ways to portray the neurological condition I live with.  The Word Cloud was really fun, just choosing particular words or phrases that I associate with my condition, and the word cloud itself looked amazing.

The most difficult prompt?  One of them which I found most challenging, emotionally and bringing up painful memories from the past was the ‘Dear 16-year-old-me‘, although I found the Health Mascot also challenging, particularly as I am unable to draw, which my efforts probably showed!

Which ideas will you reuse? I am not sure whether I will reuse any of them, as I like to write fresh ideas or themes, so am not sure whether I would be able to reuse any of the prompts giving them a fresh perspective but will give the bonus prompts a go.

Who was your favourite fellow blogger?  I have several one that I have followed and read all of their prompts that they have written, finding them interesting, informative and inspirational.  One of them is Theresa, a close friend of mine, and as we have similar problems such as living with chronic dizziness I was really able to relate to her posts.  Another favourite is Katina, at Butterfly Lessons, a blog about ‘living a fabulous life with lupus’, a really interesting and uplifting read and love the positivity the blog exudes.  And my third favourite is Kim over at Hope Whispers, about living with a rare liver disease called Budd-Chiari Syndrome – another really positive and uplifting blog, and really highlights the importance of organ donation and is also really interesting reading about other illnesses or conditions different from your own.

Thanks again WEGO Health for the opportunity to take part in the ’30 Days, 30 Posts’ Challenge – I have enjoyed every minute, enjoyed even the prompts that challenged me.  And thank you for the opportunity to not only write about different aspects of my health condition but also the opportunity to write about other aspects of my life – after all we are not defined by our health conditions, illnesses or disabilities.  And thank you for challenging  and pushing me as a writer, maybe I have even become a better writer because of it.  Even though I have found some aspects and prompts very difficult, I DID IT!!!

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