
brain research


Hey Everyone

Just found out myself that this week (12-18th March 2012) is ‘Brain Awareness Week’, an initiative to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research. For people, like myself who are living with some type of neurological condition, are aware of the different parts of the brain and the function for which they are responsible for, and what can go wrong as a consequence of injury or disease to that particular part of the brain.


For example in my case, the part of the brain stem that has been injured is responsible for co-ordination and balance leading to dizziness and vertigo, as well as suffering falls, and there is some sort of degeneration in the upper motor neurons in the brain leading to the spasticity and weakness of certain muscles.

If you are not familiar with the brain and the different functions, the ‘Brain and Spine Foundation’ a UK based charity has some excellent resources about the brain and brain injury.

And to find out more about ‘Brain Awareness Week’, you can find out more at the Dana Foundation Website:
There may be even events near you, I know there are events from the Cardiff University near to me, with some excellent programmes about the Brain and Neuroscience – would love to attend but given my current state, it is just not an option but never say never, maybe next year!!