



Welcome to the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge brought together by WEGO Health – a social network for all health activists.  Again, I am participating in the annual Writer’s Month Challenge in which I will be writing about my health activism and health condition based upon prompts given.

Today’s prompt reads as follows:

Hobbies…We at WEGO Health love hobbies.  Tell us, what are YOUR hobbies?  Are you a rock collector?  Scrapbooking?  Photography?  Dancer?  Share your talents.  (Pictures encouraged!)

Battling fatigue, dizziness, trembling and weakness in the legs can make it extremely difficult to take part in hobbies.  That it not to say I do not have any hobbies.  One of my loves is reading; ever since I was a child I was a bookworm and loved reading fiction books that will transport me to different places and times.  Or books just to escape from the reality of pain, dizziness and depression.  The love of reading, fortunately has not left me and I am a proud owner of a large number of books.  Those who know me, will already know that my favourite author is Jodi Picoult.  I have at least two shelves in my bedroom dedicated just to her books.  I love her writing style; the fact that each chapter is narrated by a different character enabling the reader to consider both sides of an argument and allowing the reader to determine their own opinions on the subject matter at hand.  Each book is thought-provoking, deep and thoroughly researched.  In my opinion, my love of reading, especially my recent devouring of novels are a result of the weakness and trembling in my legs.  Due to the mobility problems that are a result of these particular symptoms mean that walking can be difficult, sometimes even I am unable to leave my bed because of them, and so it is in these moments that my love of books are a real blessing, as it a hobby that I can take part in bed or wherever I am stuck with my uncooperative legs.

Another hobby of mine is collecting butterflies.  As a lot of my followers and readers of the blog will know that I am a big lover of butterflies.  In my opinion, butterflies are beautiful; the bright and colourful colours of their wings, but also they are a sign of hope.  The hope that something beautiful can come from the end of an old life.  For someone with a chronic illness like myself, it really symbolises hope that despite being diagnosed with a long-term health condition it is not the end and something positive can still be found.  This is beautifully summed up by  the proverb “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly”.  I have a piece of artwork which encompasses this very proverb within the piece.  It’s a lovely piece of artwork and I have near it my bed as a positive reminder that good things will still happen despite having a chronic illness.


In addition to the piece of artwork, butterflies can be found everywhere in my bedroom!  A butterfly clip on my curtains, a photo frame adorned with them and even on my wallpaper!  I have just recently bought some butterfly LED lights to hang around my headboard.  The lights are pretty and colourful and make a bad day a little better.  As a symbol of hope and change, in my opinion butterflies are a perfect addition to be included in my own personal and private sanctuary.  A sanctuary in which I can recuperate on my bad days, and just get away from everything.  It’s a room which I spend a lot of time, so to make it as lovely and positive as possible is in my opinion very important.

Another hobby of mine, which I have been unable to do for a while because of trembling in my hands is card making.  I love making intricate decopauge cards.  It not only is it fun but doing them takes my mind off my pain and the dizziness that greatly affects my daily life. Again it is something that I have found to do despite my condition and one which I am still able to do even when my legs are too weak that I cannot stand or walk.  I am still able to drag to a table and chair and make cards despite the severe weakness and trembling. I like making them for friends and family for special occasions such as birthdays but I have also been asked to make them for others too.  It is a lovely hobby to create something both beautiful and special.  Here are some examples of the cards that I have made:

Today’s prompt is all about giving thanks for what we are grateful for; or what we are excited about or inspired by.  Thought I would cover all three!!

I am grateful for…

  • Firstly, I would say that I am grateful for the good days that I do have.  The good days seem to be rare these days, but I am grateful for when they do come around.  Having some many bad days, and feeling unwell, fatigued and weak; as if though if everything is an effort; so when good days present themselves, boy are you grateful!!  Having a little more energy to do chores, legs being stronger, and not as dizzy is a real blessing; and means that I can accomplish more and manage to have a little bit of fun!!
  • My new wheelchair: I am giving thanks to this new mobility aid, as it will enable me to be able to get out of the house a lot more, and more importantly it will enable me to stay out for longer.  Before I acquired the wheelchair, I was only able to go out for short periods of time due to the severe weakness in my legs, and especially as they give way if I am on my feet for very long.  Therefore, much of my time was spent in the house, much of the time alone.  Now I have the wheelchair however, I can go out for full day trips taking in shopping, or local tourist attractions.  Looking forward to it!
  • My family and my dog!: They have to be the biggest thing that I am grateful for – whenever I am unwell or feeling down, they are always there to pick me up and comfort me.  If I need something or need to go somewhere then they my parents will pick what I need up when they are out, or take me to appointments or wherever I need or want to go. They are all simply the best!

I am inspired by:

  • Other bloggers: I love to read other bloggers and health activists blogs.  Every one that I read are truly inspiring and shows a lot of strength and courage to spread awareness of their particular condition, as well as talking and discussing the painful or unpleasant symptoms that each of us face.  It would be so easy to just simply hide away and curl up in the duvet when chronically sick, but all health bloggers and health activists want to make people more aware and to understand their particular health condition (or the condition their loved one is faced with) and to provide support to those who are also living with the same condition – truly an altruistic act!
  • Reading – I absolutely adore reading – especially as my mobility problems have become worse and cannot move around as easily, so is truly blissful to be able to snuggle up with a great book.  Love those books that are able to transform you to different worlds, or experience other cultures – sometimes it’s as if you are taking a holiday without leaving your home!
  • Nature: I love how beautiful nature can be – the bright bold colours of flowers such as sunflowers or peony daisies, the different patterns and colours on butterflies.  Research has also found that flowers can actually reduce depression! Now if that isn’t a great reason to buy some flowers for a sick friend, I don’t know what is!

I am excited by:

  • I absolutely adore the writer Jodi Picoult and actually own every one of her 19 books, so one thing that I am definitely excited about is the release of her latest novel, usually released in March or April every year.  I always pre-order the latest release, and look forward for when the book gets delivered to me so I can start to devour it!
  • I get excited sitting down and relaxing in front of my favourite television programmes – it feels like an event, and particularly love the American TV dramas such as CSI, Grey’s Anatomy and Bones.
  • Volunteering – I enjoy and get excited by going down to volunteer at a local mental health resource centre every week, and feels really worthwhile giving a few hours of my time to help others

A few of my favourite things!…

What are the 3 things that you are thankful for, or inspired by or those things that get you excited?

Hello, again!!  Another day, and another post for the WEGO Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge.  Ready?  Today’s prompt reads as follows:

10 things I couldn’t live without…Write a list of the 10 things you need (or love) most…

Another challenge that sounds so easy, but when sitting down and trying to complete it is actually quite difficult.  I presume that things such as food, water, air don’t have to be included as these are things that everyone needs to survive and live.  This challenge seems much more personal…things which I probably could live without, but things which make my life better…

So here’s my Top 10 Things I Love Most or Couldn’t Live Without (and in no particular order!):

My Parents – an obvious first choice, as they are the most amazing parents – supportive and caring.  They are both my rocks and have been with me through the good and bad times, and Dad without moaning, drives to appointments or wherever I need to go, or if I need to go to the shops for something, and when he’s not working will go out and buy me lunch which is a great help especially when my legs are feeling particularly weak so don’t have to worry about standing to make myself something to eat.  And Mum is super brilliant – helping me out whenever, phoning to check on me if they are both working and I’m alone in the house.  Mum is also the greatest person to talk to whenever I am feeling down or having a bad day, and we also have a great time together on the rare days we go out shopping together, or even staying in the house and watching a film.  No words can express my gratitude to them or how much I love them…
My Dog – my dog Honey, although crazy and unbelievably annoying at times (you should see her whenever people come over, particularly when they leave!!).  However, she is also the most sweetest, caring and loyal dog – if I’m on my own and have a fall she is there by my side straight away making sure that I’m OK.  Or, if I’m having a particularly bad day, and balance is bad and my legs are very weak she is constantly following me, and never wants to leave me out of her sights.  And if I’m bad, and lying in bed or if I’m on my computer, she will lie down beside my bed, or on the bed, or lie beside my computer chair.  Once I fell whilst on my own, and was unable to get up afterwards, and she lay down beside me the whole time, until Mum came home approximately 20 minutes later, soon as she came through the door Honey rushed to her to alert her that I needed help.  She is a super dog!!

Other family members – As with my parents, also couldn’t live without other members of my family, all of whom are also supportive and help whenever they can.  I have stayed with an Aunt and Uncle of mine when my parents have gone away on holiday, as couldn’t cope on my own for the duration that they would be away, and so they kindly took me in and looked after me in their absence…

My Crutch – My crutch is my main mobility aid which I am finding that I am becoming more reliant upon.  Whenever I am out of the house, I constantly make sure that I have my crutch with me as due to the dizziness and problems with my balance, I find that it is something that helps ground me.  And also due to the weakness in my legs, the crutch is incredibly useful to help keep me somewhat upright whenever my legs buckle or give way.  And it means that I can have somewhat more independence in the sense that I do not constantly have to hold onto somebody when out…

Online Friends and Community – The girls who I have met online are also something I can not live without now that I have met them.  It’s lovely to have finally found a group of amazing and special people, who I count upon during the good and bad times…who can understand what I am going through.  And it’s lovely that I am able to talk to them online via Skype and we can share our problems, or triumphs and have someone on the end of the computer to talk too when going through a horrible time of it, and know there is someone there who understands.  Love you guys and a special shout out to Marissa, Theresa, Lynda and Michele…

My Computer – Another love of mine and something that I couldn’t live without.  It enables me to buy things that I need such as new clothes, books or DVD’s, as I am not always able to get to the shops to buy these, especially long shopping trips due to the weakness in my legs and the inability to stand for very long.  As I found recently, when I have had the rare chance to get out, not all clothes shops even have benches or seats in their changing rooms, which I need to use, and as a result had a few falls whilst trying some clothes on – online shopping makes it so much easier in that I can order clothes and have them sent to me and can try them on at home.  Also enables me to Skype with friends who I have made online and who are very special to me, and other chores such as paying rent or researching and of course writing the blog!!…

My extensive DVD Boxset Collection – Yes, I have quite the Boxset Collection in my possession – CSI, Bones, Criminal Minds, Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice and the rest.  But these are great at keeping me occupied during the times I am alone, stuck inside the house, or to give me escapism from my illness.  They also come in handy, on the ‘very bad days’ when my legs are so weak, and I am feeling very bad that I cannot get out of bed, and so they are excellent at keeping me occupied and entertained during those time…

Music – Yes, music is another passion of mine.  I love all different types – pop, rock, jazz, blues.  I listen to it when doing chores, or am stuck in bed, when I’m on the computer, to remember memories from the past or to create new ones. Music to make me happy or to wallow in when feeling sad.

Twitter and Facebook – I probably could live without these, but these are excellent resources for finding friends new and old, for keeping in touch with friends or family living near or far, or for generally keeping in touch with the latest news or gossip.  I use it a lot for the support group aspect – for making new friends who may be experiencing similar problems as me.  They are also fantastic for reaching out to different companies or for finding organisations which may be able to provide support or help. Also, a great tool for spreading the words of my blog and to let people know when there is a new post up…

Books – I could not live without my books…especially my Jodi Picoult novels as I adore all of her work and is a writer I really admire.  Love books which can provide escapism, to take you off and wonder different countries or worlds. Books which explore the past, present and future.  And especially, as with Jodi Picoult books, ones which make you think and question different moral and ethical questions.  If there are any avid readers out there, I would thoroughly recommend Jodi Picoult’s works!!  And there are an extensive number of books, to help you learn help you with particular problems or concerns.  Having a chronic and invisible illness can be so tough, knowing that there isn’t a cure out there or no treatments that can really help, so I have found a book called ‘Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired’…a books which provides hope and coping strategies for those like me suffering from an invisible chronic illness, and how to deal with the emotions and difficulties that come with living with them.  A book that has also been recommended to me is ‘How to Be Sick by Toni Bernhard.  All books mentioned can be found at Amazon.com (US), Amazon.ca (Canada) or Amazon.co.uk (UK).

So those are my Top 10 of things that I couldn’t live without, what are yours?

All comments welcome….