


Thank you to the lovely Emma, who writes a fantastic blog at Not Just Tired, which raises awareness of ME/CFS and how to live well despite it, for tagging me to take part in #behindtheillness.  This lovely exercise aims to share fun facts about yourself and let others know things about you beyond chronic illness.

Here we go!

Four places I’ve lived:

  1. Minden, Germany
  2. Chepstow, South Wales
  3. Fallingbostel, Germany
  4. Pontypridd, South Wales

Four places I’ve worked: 

  1. Sales Assistant, Somerfield Stores
  2. Volunteer Resource Centre Worker for Mind
  3. Volunteer Support Worker for those with Special Educational Needs
  4. School Peer Counsellor during Sixth Form

Four favourite hobbies: 

  1. Writing my blog
  2. Reading of any description!
  3. Enjoying a relaxing spa day when I can
  4. Going to the theatre
A great memory of going to see Legally Blonde. Such a fun musical and left with a great big smile on my face!

Four things I like to watch: 

  1. Films and particularly enjoy a lovely rom-com or something uplifting
  2. Crime dramas – so much choice, I couldn’t possibly choose just one!
  3. Loving binge-watching Arrow at the moment
  4. Soaps – great to watch and unwind during the nights

Four things I love to read:

  1. Anything by Jodi Picoult
  2. Chick-lit for a bit of light reading
  3. Crime novels
  4. Other people’s blogs

Four places I’ve been: 

  1. Olden, Norway
  2. Stavanger, Norway
  3. Florida, USA
  4. Cornwall on many a family holiday!
2016-06-02 09.51.38
The beauty of Olden

Four things I love to eat: 

  1. Lasagna
  2. Roast Dinner (Chicken Roast Dinner in particular)
  3. Chocolate
  4. Chicken Korma – ultimate comfort food!

Four favourite things to drink: 

  1. Water
  2. Hot Chocolate
  3. Peppermint Tea
  4. Apple Juice
Nothing more comforting than a mug of delicious Hot Chocolate!

Four places I want to visit: 

  1. Verona, Italy
  2. Prague
  3. Lake Como, Italy
  4. Banff, Canada

Four bloggers I’d like to tag:

  1. Mackenzie from Life with an Illness
  2. Sarah from The F Word
  3. Charlotte from FND and Me
  4. Jen from Spoonfuls of Glitter

Phew! It was so hard to narrow it down to just four bloggers as there are so many wonderful bloggers that I would love to have also tagged (and more who have already participated!). But for those who have not yet been nominated, feel free to share your answers as I would love to know you all more.

And thanks again to Emma for nominating me!

Rhiann xx