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Thank you so much to Tasha M. from Pain Warrior Code for nominating me for the Mystery Blogger Award!  I am so honoured and such an admirer of her blog for the uplifting positivity and inspiration for those battling with chronic pain every day.

What is Mystery Blogger Award? 

“This is an award for amazing bloggers with indigenous posts.  Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates.  They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get.  This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging and they do it with so much love and passion.” – Okoto Enigma

Mystery Blogger Award


  • Thank whoever nominated you and include a link to their blog
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  • Nominate 10-20 bloggers you feel deserve the award
  • Answer the questions from the person who nominated you
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice with one weird or funny one
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog

3 Things About Myself 

  1. I am such a big fan of crime dramas and watch so much of this particular genre!  I was especially a huge fan of the British crime drama Wire in the Blood (and inspired by the brilliant Tony Hill novels by Val McDermid) that it was one of the reasons why I wanted to study Psychology at university!
  2. I gained a BSc (2:1) in Psychology and wanted to study further, specialising in Clinical Psychology but unfortunately was unable to because of health problems
  3. My favourite form of ultimate self-care is a trip to a spa.  It may not always help ease the persistent symptoms that affect my body, but still, find the peace and tranquillity of a spa incredibly relaxing that it’s hard not to come away feeling better than when you first walked in.

My nominees for this award are; 

Answers to Questions from Pain Warrior Code:

  1. What made you want to start blogging? I wanted an outlet for my frustration that the symptoms caused by my condition affect me, but more than that I also wanted to educate and raise awareness of neurological disorders as well as invisible illnesses in general.
  2. As this award is about blogs that inspire and motivates – do you as a nominee have a mantra, proverb or saying that you live by? I’ve shared this before, but I adore a quote from one of my favourite authors, Louisa May Alcott, “I am not afraid of storms for I’m learning how to sail my ship.”  It just reminds me that the hardships that my condition creates only help to deepen the strength and resilience that I will need tomorrow and for any future storms that life with a neurological condition causes to be.
  3. If you had to choose one meal that you had to eat every day for a month (without any health complications), what would it be?  Tough one, there are so many meals that I love, even though I may not always feel up to eating, but I am partial to a pizza! My favourite is one topped with mozzarella and basil pesto! Delicious!
  4. What is your favourite hobby/pastime? It has to be reading, as someone living with constant pain as well as other unpleasant symptoms, I love the escapism that reading a novel provides, escaping to other countries, or other times!  In my imagination, I can do anything and go anywhere that I choose; freedom that living with illness impedes.
  5. What’s the best/worst practical joke that you’ve played on someone or that was played on you? Genuinely cannot think of anything that has happened to me or tricks that I’ve played on others.  Although I am incredibly jumpy and so hate when people jump out unexpectedly!

My questions for my nominees: 

  1. If you were stuck on a deserted island but could have any 3 books with you, which books would you pick?
  2. What are your favourite song lyrics? Why?
  3. What TV show are you currently binge-watching, or the last show you binge-watched? Would you recommend it?
  4. If you could travel back in time to any point in history, where you would choose to visit?
  5. Imagine if you had to become a dog, which breed of dog would you be and why?
I look forward to hearing your answers!
Congratulations all!

Thank you to Llinos from the amazingly brilliant and inspiring blog ‘Whispers of Wellness‘ for tagging me to take part in the ’20 Things You Might Not Know About Me Challenge.’  This challenge was originally started by another blogger by the name of April from ‘Blacksburg Belle‘.  The aim of this blog tag was to build a community among fellow bloggers, and help these bloggers to not only connect more but to also get to know one another better.  If you are a fellow blogger and would like to participate or just want to know more information, then you can visit the original post here.

All about me!
All about me!

Question 1: How tall are you?
I am amazingly short at only 4″11 which makes it incredibly difficult to find nice clothes such as trousers and dresses. Often even clothes in the petite section of some stores are still too long on me!

Question 2: Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what? 
If I do have one, it is even hidden from me! So no, no hidden talents whatsoever.

Question 3: What’s your biggest blog-related pet peeve?
When certain sites require that I log-in or jump through hoops just to be able to comment on a post.  I want to be able to reply to someone’s post simply and quickly,  I feel that this stops from people adding to the conversation that I have started from my own blog posts.

Question 4: What’s your biggest non-blog related pet peeve? 
At the moment, it is definitely abled people parking in disabled parking bays.  This unfortunately happens a lot and as I need a disabled parking bay due to mobility problems it means that my carer and I have to wait for ages for another one to become available.  Wish some people would be more considerate and think before they use these parking spaces.

Question 5: What’s your favourite song? 
Such a difficult question as I have so many depending on my mood but I really do love Somebody to Love by Queen

Question 6: What’s your favourite Etsy shop that isn’t yours? 
It has to be the Itty Bitty Book Company as they sell the most beautiful and positive books, prints and cards.  I have bought several items from their store and they really help me to stay positive despite living with a chronic illness

Question 7: What’s your favourite way to spend your free time when you’re alone? 
It has to be reading.  It is one of my favourite pastimes anyway, but find it so relaxing and comforting to be able to curl up on my bed with a warm blanket and lose myself in a good book.  Find the silence really helpful to be able to concentrate on what I am reading too!

Question 8: What’s your favourite junk food? 
I do love to indulge in some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream when feeling down, or whenever my symptoms are particularly bad

Question 9: Do you have a pet or pets?  If so, what kind and what are their names? 
Yes, I have a dog (a dachshund cross jack russell) called Honey.  She really does add colour and joy into my life and provides me with comfort and security when alone in the house, and especially when I am alone whilst dealing with severe symptoms.  She can be like a nurse and security guard in one little package!


Question 10: What are your number one favourite nonfiction and fiction books?
So hard for a bookworm like me to come up with just two all time favourite books!!  They tend to change all the time but at the moment in terms of fiction it has to be The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult.  For a nonfiction choice, I have found Things Get Better by Katie Piper very useful in getting through difficult periods.

Question 11: What’s your favourite beauty product? 
My favourite beauty product has to be my BareMinerals foundation and blusher, as it has been very helpful in giving me a healthy and natural glow even when I have been deathly pale as a result of chronic illness

Question 12: When were you last embarrassed? What happened? 
The last time I was embarrassed was when I was in a local charity shop and the wheel on my wheelchair got caught in one of the display rails which resulted in the display falling and hitting me in the head with some force!  I was in flood of tears because of the pain and the shock as it was so unexpected.  That was embarrassing!

Question 13: If you could only drink one beverage (besides water) for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
I mainly only drink water anyway, but if I had to choose something else to drink I probably would choose a strawberry milkshake

Question 14: What’s your favourite movie? 
Again that it is a really difficult question as I really love my films and have quite an extensive DVD collection myself.  It often changes but it would probably be Safe Haven starring Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough.  It’s lovely and romantic!!

Question 15: What were you in high school: prom queen, nerd, cheerleader, jock, valedictorian, band geek, loner, artist, prep?
I was most definitely the loner – unfortunately I had very few friends at school as many could or perhaps would not understand the symptoms that I was living with and the effect that it was having on my life

Was most definitely a Loner in high school - just like Ally Sheedy from 'The Breakfast Club'
Was most definitely a Loner in high school – just like Ally Sheedy from ‘The Breakfast Club’


Question 16: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
I really have no idea, where I would live if I had to choose somewhere else to live.  I am a home bird at heart so I would probably answer that I am happy where I am living now.

Question 17: PC or Mac? 
Definitely would choose my Mac!

Question 18: Last romantic gesture from a crush, date, boy/girlfriend, spouse? 
Can’t think of one!

Question 19: Favourite celebrity? 
I really admire Angelina Jolie and all of the humanitarian work she has done over the years.  She often come across as extremely intelligent, articulate as well as somebody who cares about everyone she meets.

Question 20: What blogger do you secretly want to be best friends with?  
That is another really tough question as I have had the pleasure to meet many wonderful fellow bloggers and had the fortune to read many wonderful blogs which are interesting, articulate and thought-provoking.  If I had to choose one, I would choose Sophia from ‘Spoonie Sophia‘ as I really admire her strength and determination to find anything to help her deal with the symptoms that come from her chronic health conditions.  She is a fantastic advocate for anyone looking to experiment with their diet and using food as medicine.


I now tag:

Sophia from http://spooniesophia.wordpress.com/
Reina from http://reinafleet.wordpress.com/
Rachel from http://racheldavieswriter.com/ 








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