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Anxiety Through The Prism of Chronic Illness

Anxiety; Through The Prism of Chronic Illness

Anxiety, like an unwanted stalker, has followed me for as long as I can remember. Moments of panic and worry punctuated my life. Anxious thoughts overpowered my brain. All of which existed long before being diagnosed with a neurological disorder. Although the symptoms of which existed from a very young age, they became more pronounced as I grew up. However, doctors could find no cause to explain such symptoms. The anxiety that had always been a part of my life became...

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The Pain of New Year When Chronically Ill

The Pain of New Year When Chronically Ill

As the clock strikes midnight on the 1st January, it so heralds the beginning of a brand new year. A new year offers the chance for a blank slate, new beginnings and exciting prospects and opportunities. However, when living with a chronic illness, the start of a new year can give rise to pain and uncertainty. As January arrives, it is a time to celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another. And a new...

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5 Ways to Find Light In The Darkness

5 Ways to Help Find The Light In The Darkness

During recent times it has often felt that I have become trapped inside a revolving door of misery. The symptoms I live with; symptoms that are already constant have become even more severe and relentless. Unsurprisingly, this has had a knock-on effect on my mental health; becoming depressed and anxious as the present flare refuses to abate. The result of which only exacerbates the already oppressive physical symptoms, which only makes me even more depressed and anxious....

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